Thanl^; /ou tor purcha5ir>gi B&V/ DM60Q Ssfies speakers.
Bincs: Its touiTcJ^Eioni m
qQnimuin^ philoEOphy pi
has be&n (hp queer for perfect sound fepToducdon. Inspuep py
1he [TDinpBriy'S' rouridor, Ifie fate John Bowers, tfiis quest hss eninrled Pol only Pigh investmetit In audiio lochnaloqy and
inno'iranon but also an abiding appreclailpn ot music to ensure that (he lechnoiog-y Is pul lo m3K»murrt efioct.
It Is also Our policy io triake sure the advericed lealures pron&ered on one product ere incorporated Into oinors we menuiecEure.
DMQOO Sories systems have cablnols with rounded edges to reduce sourtd dilFtaction {iho [o-radJation ol Sound waves trom
sharp edges thel rhlertore wdh urtd blur the direct sound From the drive unMe], IncotpOTating wowen Kavied^ corte
bHGS^rnrdrange drive units for lowest coloration and maximum detlrtition. They also tiavd attoy dome twoslers with magnotic
tltird cooling to ensure good dellniuon to ihe timtts oF aucrbltlty and maintain dynamics to high sound taveis. Alt these Features
were origtrietly dcvolopod for ihe acclaimed BAW SGO Benes systems and go lowarda Ihe realisation qf line ttensduefirs.
Howavar, no matter bow good the fipeakere ilipmselvos, they must work well into the listeninig rocini and time spent on the
installation process wjEI reap tho reward of many Fiduts listening pleasure. Please read tFirougFi this manual tully. II will help you
optimise iFie performance oF yqur audio system.
SAW otEtripuite to ovet SO countries world-wide and maintain a r^etwork ol dedicated dlElobuiors who will be able to help should
you have any problems you; dealer cannot resolve.
(Figure T)
Fold iFte top carton Haps rigtii hack and invert ihe carton arid conlents-
Lilt the carton clear of the contents.
Remove the inner packing From the prodocl.
•rt sp-ika Feel end
look nuts are taped in retas&es in one poiysiyrone end tray
Foam plugs ol dilForunl porosity are located in the central recess oF one polystyrene end tray
We suggest you retain Ihe packaging For futute use.
(figures ? & 3i
All conned Iona should bo made with the equipment turned olf.
There are two pairs ot gold plated lermlnets al Ihe bacK oi eaeft speaker, one pair Fo tfte bass unit and one parr to the iwoetar
(midrange and tweeisr in rhe case o1 DM^oa] which permit bi-wirlng or bi'ampiilicahon il desired On delivery, bolh pairs are
Connected together by Fiigh-qualUy gold plated copper llriks fot use with a singla twin cabte.
For single cable connection, connect either ot the positive terminats on the speaker {marked + and coloured redl to the positive
terminal on the power amplifier and negative
black) to negative {tigure
Failure to observe correct polarity will result in
poor sourid balance and image Focusing.
WFien bt-wrnng Ihe speakers, loosen the terminal caps and remove Itia lltiiks. Use a separate twin csble tram th-e ampFIFtor
torminais to each pair of speaker terminals {figure S) Correct polarity connect Ion >s even more critical in this case to mainiam
the Frequency response ol each speaker as wen as the correct balance between leir and Tighii spsakets. The use ot sepatste
cables can Improve tho reproduction ol low-leva I del ail by reducing Interaction in the crossover and allowing op] I mum choice
of cable For escFi Fragueocy range
Always make sure all the teimmal ceps are screwed down tight as othorwisa they may rattle
When choosing cable, keep the total eiectncel impedance (oul and back)
below the maximum recommended in Ihe
specIFIcatlon. In particular, the c^able to the tweeter shiquid have low inductance, otherwise the very high frequencies will be
etienuated. Ask your dealer lor advice, as the optimum cable will depend on the length requtied
(Figure 4)
Some experimentaFion Whih the position ot the speakers is well worthwhile to optimise the interaction balween them and 1he
listening roam. Howavar. as an initial guide:
Oo not ill tha spike laet until you have lound the best poslticn lot the speakers
Place the speakers and the centre ot [he listening area approitimateiy al the corners ol an equilateral triangle.
Keep the speakers al least 1.5m (511) apart tc maintain lelt-right stereo separation.
Keep the speaker batFEes at laaet Q,5m {3i!)ln) clear ol walls< Having ihe speakers too close to walls Increases the level o1 bass
relative to the midrange and may give a bcemy quality to tha sound
(Figure 5]
Bdore Fine tuning the inslallallon, double check the polarity and ssourity of the conr^ections.
II the lave! oF bass Is uneven with Irequency, this is usually due to strong excitation of resonance modes in the room. Even
small changes in me posiiion ol the speakers within the listen In q room can have a protound elf eel on the perceived sound
quality by ottering the excitatien cF these modes. Try mounting the speakers along a ditfersnt wall. Evan moving large pieces
ol turn Mure about can have an eft eel
II Ihe general level ot bass is loo Frigh, Try moving the speakers iurlhsr sway Irpm Tha walls. Conversely, it you need more bass,
mpva the speakers closer to 1he wallG. Space behind the speekers alsp improves the impression
perspecuve on well recorded
II you canrtoT move the speakers further irom the walFs, Ihe bass level may be reduced by Irraertlng one ol the loom plugs
provided Into Ihe port lubes The higher Ihe density of foam used. Ihe mars the operation ol the port, and Iherefora the levai
of bass. Is iprlLiced.
II tha central image is poof, try m&ving the speakars closer togothcr or toeing them In so they point at o; |ust Jn Front ot the
listening area
II the sound is tOU' harsh, rncrease Ihe amount of soft lurmshing in the room For example, use heavier curtains Conversaly
reduce Tire amount pE soft lurnishing II iha sound is dull and lllelpss.
Test For Huifei echoes by dapping your hands and llsEerting tor rapid repeiitrons These can smear the snund, but may be
reducad by irraguiar shaped surfaces such as bookshelvas and large pieces al furniture
Ensure the speakers stand firmly on ihe Ftoor. Whenever pessibla HI the spike ieeF supplied ailei you have optimised the
pbaitianlng These are designed lo pierce through carpeting to ihe llqpr surFace. tnlFiaily. screw ttie ipek rMjts Fully onto Iha
spikes arid screw Iha spikes Fully Intc the threaded Insets in rhe base of the cabinei II the cebmei rpcks. unscrew the two