Disc Playing
To listen to the beginnings of the selections in order (intro-play)*
The first ten seconds of each selection on every disc will be played in
Press [|
sequence from the next selection.
To repeat the selection being played (Repeat play)
The unit
goes back to the
of the setection when the
Press | 2].
peach oe
To seatch for the desired disc (Disc scan)
The first ten seconds of the first selection on each disc will be played
ress SP agonce
To play the selection on the disc in random order (Shuffle play %)*
All selections on a disc being played will be played in random
Press [Sion
order, After playing all selections on the disc, the unit goes to
the next disc.
To play the selection on ail discs in random order (Shuffle play 2)*
Press | ge for more than
All selections on ail discs in the disc magazine will be played in
two seconds.
random order.
Ta turn on the radio automatically while changing discs (ATA function)
The radio is heard automatically while changing discs.
Press DSPL to display the frequency indication while the ATA is
operating. tn this case, all the tuner operation buttons function in the
same way as when you turn on the tuner (except for FM/AM).
To resume normal playback
Press each button again.
*When you press the INTRO during the shuffle play
(1 oF 2), the first ten seconds of all selections wilt
be played in radom order.