9.3 Understand start-up/stop process
1. The startup of the generator begins a few seconds after the outage of the power
2. The system sends a signal to the choke closing the air passage.*
3. The system gives power to starting motor to start up the engine. If breaker
jumps, the starting motor will immediately stop to avoid any damage. The
maximum working time of the starting motor is 5 seconds. If the engine was not
started after 5 seconds, the stating motor will be disconnected to prevent
3.1 If the engine was not started in the first attempt, a second attempt will
be made after a few seconds, the process will be repeated for a maximum
of 5 attempts.
3.2 If the generator does not start automatically during 5 attempts, the
"SIGNAL lamp" flashes, showing a start failure and the end of the starting
*The engine has a temperature sensor, if the engine is hot for being working
recently, the choke signal will be annulled, because it is unnecessary.
NOTE: If you perform continuous auto start attempts for only 1 or 2 minutes it
may cause malfunctions of the temperature sensor as this may indicate some
temperature and will annul the choke even though the engine temperature is not
enough for a startup without the choke assistance.
NOTE: In low temperature conditions, below 0º C the engine will have much
greater difficulty to start so 5 startup attempts would be insufficient. In this case it
would be necessary an operator to manually startup with a key. We recommend
installing the equipment protected from intense cold to avoid start up failures due
to temperature.
GENERGY is not responsible in any way for damages caused
to products or equipment that may arise from the lack of supply by a
generator failure.
DANGER: This equipment is not designed to protect vital equipment
such as life support equipment, extreme safety equipment or other
equipment that involves a risk to persons or property in cases of lack of