Model Assembly Continued
Optional Flap Installation
Before you begin you will need to purchase (2) (SPMA330) servos and a 6 inch
Y-harness (SPMA3058) to complete the fl ap installation process.
1. Remove the main wing from the fuselage.
2. Install the servo arm included with the servos, angled rearward as shown
(fi gure A).
3. Guide the servo wires down and through the wire channel of each wing.
4. Install the left and right fl ap servos (B) in the respective recess of the
wing. Secure the servos into place using the servo plates (C) and screws
(included with the aircraft) as shown.
5. Install the control horns (D) onto each wing using 2 screws as shown.
6. Connect the control rods (E) to the servo arms, and then from the servo
arms to the control horns on each fl ap. Use the Control Horn and Servo Arm
Settings chart on the next page for the recommend hole placement.
7. Carefully cut and remove a small amount of foam (F) at the fl ap and wing
root to allow the fl aps to move freely, as shown.
8. Carefully cut and remove a wedge of foam (G) from fl ap hinge near the
aileron hinge as shown.
9. Repeat this process on the left wing.
10. Install the wings onto the fuselage and connect the newly installed fl ap
servo connectors to the correct receiver channels or Y-harness.
11. Perform a control direction test of the fl aps.
With the fl ap switch in the up position, fl aps should be adjusted so they are
even with the ailerons and/or the root of the wing.