If the command rpm –Uvh *.rpm fails to install a driver because a newly
version of the DKMS package is needed, see the
download the latest version of the DKMS package, then:
install this DKMS package by launching the command:
rpm –Uvh dkms <version-release>.noarch.rpm
install the Linux drivers by launching the command:
find ./* -not –name dkms* -exec rpm –Uvh {} \;
Kickstart Installation for the Linux Operating System
If you are using a kickstart installation for the Linux operating system, provide
the following information in the post-installation script:
Command to mount the USB device containing the operating system drivers
labeled OEMDRV.
For example:
mkdir OEMDRV
mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/OEMDRV
Path to the operating system drivers on the OEMDRV drive:
For Red Hat Enterprise Linux: /oemdrv/*.rpm
For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server: /linux/suse/x86_64-sles10/install/*.rpm
Command to install the drivers: rpm -Uvh *.rpm
Assign a Windows-Bootable System Partition to the C: Drive
After you have completed the USC or USC - LCE portion of Windows Server
2003 installation, your server will reboot and begin the text-mode portion of the
installation. During this phase, you may need to perform the following steps to
ensure Windows installs to your C: drive.
Following these instructions after Windows Server 2003 setup presents
you with a list of existing drive partitions and/or unpartitioned space available on
your computer.
1 Select the unpartitioned space, and then press <c> to create a hard-disk
partition. Follow the on-screen instructions to create a partition.
The partition may not be enumerated as a C: drive.
2 Select the newly-created partition, and then press <d> to delete the partition.
Follow the on-screen instructions to delete the partition.
Getting Started With Your System
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