S) Réinitialisation des relèves maximum/ minimum extérieurs
Les relevés MIN et MAX de chaque émetteur doivent être réinitialisés séparément.
1. A partir de l'affi chage principal, appuyez sur la touche « CH/ + » (3) pour sélectionner un
émetteur (1, 2 ou 3). L'identifi ant s'affi che sous le relevé de température extérieure.
L'identifi ant ne s'affi che que dans le cas d'émetteurs multiples.
2. Appuyez sur la touche « MIN/ MAX » (2) ; l'icône max. s'affi che.
3. Appuyez sur la touche « SET » (1) pendant environ 3 secondes pour réinitialiser tous les
relevés maximums et minimums de température extérieure aux valeurs et heures actuelles.
Simultanément, les relevés MIN/ MAX de température et d'hygrométrie intérieures
seront également réinitialisés.
T) Lever / coucher du soleil / durée d'ensoleillement
Appuyez sur la touche « SNOOZE/ SUN » (5) pour basculer entre l'heure de lever du soleil, l'heure
de coucher du soleil et la durée quotidienne d'ensoleillement.
Lever du soleil:
Icône lever du soleil
Coucher du soleil:
Icône de coucher du
Heure de lever du
Heure de coucher
du soleil
7. Operation
The receiver can receive up to three transmitters. However, only one is included in the delivery
of this product.
Use of an outside transmitter
1. First, insert the batteries into the outside temperature transmitter.
2. Insert the batteries into the weather station at the latest within 30 seconds. Once the batteries
are inserted, all display elements of the LC display then become visible briefl y. Subsequently
the time is displayed as 0:00 and the weather girl symbol is displayed. If there is no display
within 60 seconds, then remove the batteries and insert them again after a period of at least
10 seconds.
3. After insertion of the batteries, the weather station begins to receive data from the outside
transmitter. The temperature of the outside area and the signal reception symbol should now
be displayed on the weather station. If this does not happen within 3 minutes, then all batteries
have to be removed and a new basic setting from Step 1 has to be undertaken.
4. To ensure a suffi cient 868 MHz signal transmission, it is necessary to maintain a distance of
no more than 100 meters under good conditions between the fi nal installation locations of the
weather station and the outside transmitter.
Using more than one outside transmitter
1. If the original basic setting was undertaken with only one outside transmitter, then the user
should remove all batteries from the weather station and wait at least 60 seconds.
2. Then insert the batteries into the fi rst outside transmitter.
3. Within 30 seconds after activation of the fi rst outside transmitter, insert the batteries into
the weather station. Once the batteries are inserted, all display elements of the LC display
become visible briefl y. Subsequently the time is displayed as 0:00 and the weather girl symbol
is displayed. If there is no display within 60 seconds on the LC, then remove the batteries and
insert them again after a period of at least 60 seconds.
4. The temperature of the fi rst outside transmitter (Channel 1) should now be displayed on the
weather station. In addition, the signal reception symbol should be displayed. If this does not
happen within 2 minutes, then all batteries have to be removed from both units and a new basic
setting from Step 1 has to be undertaken.
5. After the temperature data from the fi rst outside transmitter is displayed on the weather station,
insert the batteries into the second outside transmitter.
The batteries should be inserted into the second transmitter at the latest within
10 seconds after reception of outside area data from the fi rst transmitter.
6. The data from the second outside transmitter and the symbol "Channel 2" should now be
displayed on the weather station. If this does not happen within 2 minutes, then all batteries
have to be removed from all units and a new basic setting from Step 1 has to be undertaken.