For vent systems that provide seals on the inner exhaust fl ue, only the outer air intake joints must be sealed
using a red high temperature silicone (RTV). This same sealant may be used on both the inner exhaust and
outer intake vent pipe joints of all other approved vent systems except for the exhaust vent pipe connection to the
fi replace fl ue collar which must be sealed using the black high temperature sealant Mill Pac.
When using Wolf Steel venting components, use only approved Wolf Steel fl exible components with the
following termination kits: wall terminal kit GD622R, or 1/12 to 7/12 pitch roof terminal kit GD610, 8/12 to 12/12
roof terminal kit GD611 or fl at roof terminal kit GD612. With fl exible venting, in conjunction with the various
terminations, use either the 5 foot (1.5m) vent kit GD620 or the 10 foot (3m) vent kit GD630.
For optimum fl ame appearance and fi replace performance, keep the vent length and number of elbows to
a minimum.
The air terminal must remain unobstructed at all times. Examine the air terminal at least once a year to
verify that it is unobstructed and undamaged.
The minimum allowable vertical vent length is 3 feet (0.9m) maximum allowable vertical vent length is 40 feet
(12m). The maximum number of allowable 8" (203mm) vent connections is three horizontally or vertically
(excluding the fi replace and the air terminal connections).
When venting, the horizontal run must be kept to a minimum of 36" (914mm) or a maximum of 20 feet (6m).
If a 20 foot (6m) horizontal run is required, the fi replace must have a minimum vertical rise immediately off
the fi replace of 57" (1448mm). When terminating vertically, the vertical rise is a minimum 36" (914mm) and a
maximum 40 feet (12m) above the fi replace.
For optimum performance, it is recommended that all horizontal runs have a minimum 1/4" (6mm) rise
per foot/meter. Provide a means for visually checking the vent connection to the fi replace after the
fi replace is installed. Do not allow the inside liner to bunch up on horizontal or vertical runs and elbows.
Keep it pulled tight. A 3/4" (19mm) air gap between the inner and outer liner all around is required for safe
operation. Use a fi restop when penetrating interior walls, fl oor or ceiling.
W415-1334 / 06.10.14