description of unit
coNTINuouS SprAy
From the Main Menu
screen, press the
'Spray' button to get to
this screen.
The continuous spray
feature is designed to
allow the operator to
press the red button
on the right handle of
the sprayer one time
and then mark lines
without having to keep
the switch pressed
Pressing 'On' will enable the continuous spray but will not
begin marking paint.
Paint will only begin coming out continuously when the
operator has pressed the red switch on the right handle bar
of the sprayer.
To take the machine out of continuous spray, press the red
switch again.
Operator should note that if the toggle switches on the
enclosure are set to Skip, the machine will only spray for the
skip setting that was entered on the pattern screen.
If the switch is set to solid paint will come out continuously
until the red switch is pressed again.