manual usuari pacific 125 07 eng.qxp
Página 15
Brake liquid level
Braking is made possible with a disc brake of a 190-mm
diameter triggered by a caliper and a hydraulic pump.
The braking surface should be free from both grease
and dirt to ensure perfect operation. Should it be neces-
sary to empty and refill the brake fluid circuit, proceed
in the following manner:
Remove the pump cover and fill almost completely with
brake fluid.
Then loosen the bleeding nut, fitting a petrol tube on
said screw.
Place the above mentioned tube in a receptacle so as
not to spill the fluid.
With the liquid in the pump and the bleeding nut loosened, slowly turn the lever until the liquid drops and
you achieve that it leaves the small tube without any air bubbles. At this point, close the bleeding nut and
refill the tank with brake liquid to the halfway mark. Close cap and pump until it brakes perfectly. Check
the brake liquid level through the view-port on the brake pump. Refill if necessary.