Alternatively, perform back flushing through the coil.
Honeywell recommends that the PICV is set to 3.0 during
back flushing to safeguard it against high water velocity.
Connect hose to blowdown valve () on the strainer,
slowly open the outlet bypass handle () to pressurize
the coil. Open the blow-down valve () and back flush
through the coil. Close the bypass handle again, close the
blow- down valve and disconnect hose.
Figure 3. Back Flushing
Actuator Installation
The procedure to install Actuator is as follows:
1 After proper flushing the system, proceed with
Actuator installation.
2. Set the bypass handles to Bypass Operation and
drain the water completely.
3. Set the PICV insert with required maximum flow.
4. Fit the Actuator and finger tighten it, Make sure
not to use any additional tools.
5. Electrically connect the actuator.
Please refer specific installation instruction for
selected actuator.
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Honeywell Building Technologies
715 Peachtree Street NE
Atlanta, GA 30308
United States of America.
® U.S. Registered Trademark
©2022 Honeywell International Inc.
31-00103M-01 I Rev. 02-22
Normal Operation
During Normal Operation, the coil is an integrated part of the
main system. To go from any other operation mode and into
Normal Operation, slowly open inlet bypass handle 90° to
pressurize the coil and then slowly open the outlet bypass
handle 90° to put the system in Normal Operation.
Figure 4. Normal Operation
In Normal Operation the bypass is closed and water will
flow through the strainer, into the coil and return through
the PICV valve. During this operation, the PICV will
balance the flow from closed valve to design flow
depending on actual requirements and corresponding to
actuator position.
Bypass Operation
During Bypass Operation the coil is isolated from the
main system. The coil can be serviced after draining,
while the main system is still running.
Exchange of actuator is easily done. Remove actuator and
replace without affecting the system or PICV setting.