2.5.3 Liquids spraying out
In the normal operating condition, the filter tank is in overpressure. If components are damaged, fluid may
escape due to the overpressure.
Inspect filter tank for damage upon delivery.
If there is damage, contact the manufacturer. Do not use the filter tank.
The maximum operating pressure must not be exceeded.
Avoid pressure surges in the system (fittings closing suddenly may cause pressure surges which
exceed the maximum permissible operating pressure several times over).
Fit a floor drain in the technical room to drain off any water that may have leaked out.
If a lifting pump is required for the safety floor drain, it must be secured separately from the
2.5.4 Components being hurled out (tank bursting)
If air is trapped in the tank and there is overpressure at the same time, there is a risk of bursting.
Devices and individual components can be thrown away or out.
Inspect filter tank for damage upon delivery.
If there is damage, contact the manufacturer. Do not connect filter tank.
There must be no air in the filter tank. The operator must provide and check the ventilation.
Check the system pressure.
The maximum operating pressure must not be exceeded (colour-coded manometer to check this)
Avoid pressure surges in the system (fittings closing suddenly may cause pressure surges which
exceed the maximum permissible operating pressure several times over)
2.5.5 Risk of burning
Individual components of the filter tank have a high level of thermal conductivity. If the swimming pool
water has a temperature of over 40°C, there is a risk of burning on the surface of the tank.
The swimming pool water must not exceed the permissible operating temperature of 40°C
You must allow the filter tank to cool for at least 30 minutes before working on it.
2.5.6 Biological or microbiological danger
If the concentration of chlorine in the swimming pool water is too low, bacteria and a biofilm may form on
the filter material and the particles separated here. The bacteria are then distributed into the pool water
through circulation.
The filter contamination level must be checked regularly
The filter tank must be backwashed regularly (specific to the system).
The swimming pool water must be checked for bacteria regularly.
The filter material should be replaced depending on the contamination and the pressure increase in
the filter tank, but should be replaced every 3 years at the latest.
When replacing the filter material, the tank is to be cleaned from the inside.
When replacing the filter material, you must wear protective clothing which protects your airways
and eyes in addition to personal protective equipment.
Filter tank BERLIN² / General information and safety information
There is a risk of burning!