Nut M8
Washer Ø 6x12
Screws TCEI M6x25 galvanised
Nut M6 galvanised
Alignment plug Ø 3x40
9. Electrical connection (Fig. 10)
- The unit must be protected upstream by an automatic omnipolar thermomagnetic switch with
appropriate characteristics. This must also act as a general line disconnection switch.
- Inform operators of the switch location so that it can be reached quickly in the case of an
- The electrical system must be earthed.
- First check that the voltage supply is as specified on the plate data.
- To guarantee correct operation, the maximum voltage variation must be between +/- 6% of the
nominal value.
- Check that the power line has appropriate section cables, is protected against overcurrent and
dispersions towards earth, in compliance with current standards.
- For power supply lines longer than 4-5 m, increase the cable cross section correspondingly.
- In the event of an interruption to the electricity supply, check that all store electrical appliances can
reboot without causing the overload protections to intervene. If not, alter the system in order to
differentiate between the start-up of the various devices.
- The installer must supply the anchorage devices for all cables in and out of the unit.
The automatic magnetothermal switch should be designed so as to not open the neutral circuit without
simultaneously opening on the phases. In any case, the the opening distance for the contacts must be
at least 3mm.
Note: All these operations should be performed by specialized technical personnel only.
10.Probe positioning (Fig. 9)
Air delivery control probe
End defrost thermostat control probe
Air intake control probe
- Temperature probe: NTC IP67 L=4000 code 04510153 .
- Probes S1 - S3 must be fixed in place using terminals and should not be insulated.
- Probe S2 must be fixed in place with contact between the 3rd and 4th tube (never in correspondence
with the fan) using the stainless steel bulb block spring, cod.02230021.
11.Temperature control and adjustment (Fig. 5)
The refrigeration temperature is controlled using the mechanical thermometer (Rif. 4) or with the
electronic control device (OPTIONAL) (Rif. 5).
Normally the controller is set in the factory during testing, but it is possible to alter programming. To do
so, please refer to the instructions given by the control device manufacturer.
Note: All these operations should be performed by specialized technical personnel only.
12.Loading the unit (Fig. 5)
To refill the unit, you must comply with some important rules:
- arrange the goods in such a way that the maximum load line is never exceeded(Rif. 6) - exceeding
this limit can interfere with correct air circulation (Rif. 7), causing the goods temperature to rise and
ice to form on the evaporator;
- the arrangement of goods, without leaving empty areas, guarantees optimum unit function;
- we recommend using up the goods that have been stored in the unit for longest first, before the new
arrivals (food stock rotation);
13.Defrost and water draining
The refrigerated unit line Madrid 3 - Super Madrid 3 is equipped with an electrical defrost system. To
drain the defrost water, you need to:
- set up a gently-sloping floor drain;
- install a siphon between the unit drainage pipe and the floor connection;
- hermetically seal the floor drainage area.
This will prevent unpleasant odours from forming within the unit, the dispersion of refrigerated air and
possible unit malfunctioning due to humidity.
05060108 00 16/02/2010
Madrid 3 Super Madrid 3