Prestige 60
4. VOLUMES section: these controls are used to adjust the individual volumes of the organ, as
o [PEDAL]: pedal board volume.
o [MAN. I]: volume of the first manual.
o [MAN. II]: volume of the second manual.
o [ORCH.]: volume of the Orchestra voices.
o [REVERB]: regulates the level of the reverb effect.
o [GENERAL]: the general volume of the organ.
5. Sequencer: this section contains the buttons for operating the multitrack sequencer incorporated
into the Prestige 60. The basic functions of the sequencer are described in chap. 5 of this "Quick
Guide", while a complete description of all the functions can be found in the "Advanced Manual".
o [PLAY]: this button is used to playback the MIDI sequences recorded
o [RECORD]: button for starting a recording session.
o [METRONOME]: when pressed quickly activates the audio metronome; when held down
for a few moments it calls up the metronome setting page.
o [START-STOP]: starts / stops recording or playback of the MIDI sequence.
6. Display function control buttons: these buttons are used to move the cursor (indicated by a
flashing field on the display), to set values, to select pages and to confirm or reject prompts
from the system.
o [VALUE]: rotary encoder for setting parameters.
o CURSOR [ ], [ ], [ ], [ ]: these buttons are used to move the cursor within the page on
the screen.
The [ ] and [ ] buttons are additionally equipped with LEDs which, when illuminated,
signal respectively the presence of a previous and/or subsequent page to the one currently
showing. Press the appropriate button to see the page required:
o [ENTER]: button for displaying the content of functions or for confirming any prompts
that may appear on the display.
o [EXIT]: button for exiting the current page or for rejecting any system prompts.
Some seconds after the switching on of the instrument, the display will show:
containing the following parameters:
o ENSEMBLE: using this parameter it is possible to set eight levels of natural slight lack of
intonation between one pipe and another in order to simulate the imperfect tunings of organ
pipes caused in time by wear and temperature.
The values range from – (pipes perfectly in tune) to 8 (maximum lack of intonation).
o TEMPERAMENT: this parameter provides a selection of historical temperaments from various
ages and different national origin. A perfectly tuned EQUAL temperament can be selected, or
- Quick Guide
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