The motor does not work, runs slowly or gets
too hot.
Compressor stuck.
Vibra on or too much noise.
Pressure is insuffi cient or the amount of
extrac on is reduced.
Oil consump on is excessive.
Τroubleshoo ng
Possible Cause
1. Cable problem, insuffi cient voltage.
2. Extension too thin or too long.
3. Problem with the push bu on.
4. Motor problem.
5. Problem with the compressor.
1. The moving parts are hot due to poor
lubrica on.
2. Moving parts stuck by a foreign object.
1. Connec on part is loose.
2. Foreign object in the compressor.
3. Piston is banging.
4. Moving parts too worn.
1. The motor is running too slowly.
2. The belt is too loose or dirty.
3. The air fi lter is dirty.
4. Leakage in the safety valve.
5. Leak in the exhaust pipe.
6. Sealing gasket is damaged.
7. Valve plate damaged.
8. Piston springs and cylinder has wear or
1. The oil level is too high.
2. The ven la on pipe is clogged.
3. The piston springs and cylinder are
worn or damaged.
Solu on
1. Check the cable.
2. Change the cable.
3. Change or repair.
4. Change or repair.
5. Check and repair.
Check the box, connec ng sha , piston, springs, etc. and
change if necessary.
1. Check and ghten.
2. Check and clean.
3. Replace with a thicker gasket.
4. Repair or replace
1. Check and correct.
2. Adjust and clean.
3. Clean or change.
4. Check and adjust.
5. Check and repair.
6. Check and change.
7. Change and clean.
8. Repair or change.
1. Keep the oil at the right level.
2. Check and clean.
3. Repair or change.