In the pool section two buttons allow the user to add or delete a pool. Any edit-
ing, whether deletion, addition or changes in the pool configuration will only be
saved when the customer is saved.
The "Memo / Remark for this pool" button
can be used to store unstructured
text concerning the "active" pool.
When clicking on the "Show test series" button
, a window with a table con-
taining all test series of the "active" pool will show up. The test values may have
been imported from the photometer or been added or modified manually. The
"Test series" window contains editing buttons
, a "Save all"
and a "Print
table of test series" button
. Individual test values imported directly from the
photometer may be identified by moving the mouse pointer over those values.
When a date and time appears, it indicates that the value originated from the
photometer. If not, it has been either added or modified manually.
The Saturation Index (SI) and combined chlorine are calculated automatically
when the required values are available.
The user will be prompted to save changes, if any, when closing this window or
exiting the application.
2.6 Water balance
This module enables the user to interpret the pool water quality through a given
set of parameters and modify a certain number of water parameters in manual
or automatic mode.
Aqua MATE_2 08/2015