Imported data are limited to free (or available free) chlorine, total chlorine, pH,
total alkalinity, calcium hardness, cyanuric acid and total bromine. The method
numbers are listed below:
chlorine: 100/101/103/110/111
pH-value: 329/330/331/332
total alkalinity: 30/31
acid demand: 20 (automatic calculation of total alkalinity)
calcium hardness: 190/191
cyanuric acid: 160
bromine: 80
Immediately after all the test values have been imported from the photometer,
the software starts building test series. Test series are supposed to be various
tests made with the same pool water within a given time frame. This time frame
or time span is defined in the General configuration module (see 2.2).
The user will be prompted to save changes, if any, when closing this window or
exiting the application.
2.5 Customer file
This module is where customer and pool data are stored, modified or deleted. It
can contain up to 9,999 customers and 99 pools per customer. Customer data
are displayed in the upper part of the window and the corresponding pool(s)
configuration in the lower part.
Aqua MATE_2 08/2015