• In this step, you'll need following parts: [8] x1, [16] x1, [17] x1
9a. Unscrew both threaded nuts from Exterior Handle Set [16] and separate parts as illustrated. Install
Exterior Handle on the outside of the Exterior Door Panel [21] and place the threaded nut through hole in
glass from inside of door panel, ensuring plastic spacer is over threads of nut and contacting glass. Place
Exterior Door Handle [16] to threaded nut while also ensuring the second plastic spacer on the Exterior
Handle side is contacting the glass panel on the outside. Screw into place.
the 2 plastic spacers are between the glass panel or damage to the glass door can occur.
9b. Tighten thread nut using supplied Allen Key [8]. A hole in the head of the nut provides a location to place
Allen Key into to turn and tighten the nut.
CAUTION: Do not over tighten or damage to glass panel may occur
9c. Unscrew both threaded nuts from Interior Handle Set [17] and separate parts as illustrated. Install Interior
Handle on the inside of the Interior Door Panel [22] and place the threaded nut through hole in glass from
outside of door panel, ensuring plastic spacer is over threads of nut and contacting glass. Place Interior
Door Handle to threaded nut while also ensuring the second plastic spacer on the Interior Handle side is
contacting the glass panel on the inside. screw into place (ref. illustration).
2 plastic spacers are between the glass panel or damage to the glass door can occur.
9d. Tighten thread nut using supplied Allen Key [8]. A hole in the head of the nut provides a location to place
Allen Key into to turn and tighten the nut.
CAUTION: Do not over tighten or damage may occur.
CAUTION: Ensure that
CAUTION: Ensure that the