Durin� these �� se�on�s� in or�er to li�hten the loa� on the
release syste�� you �an sen� OPEN pulses within a ti�e inter�al
o� � se�on�s �ro� ea�h other� in or�er to re�erse the �arria�e�
One pulse �orrespon�s to a �� �illi�etre tra�el�
N�B�: The �arria�e �an �e seen re�ersin� only �urin� nor�al
operation o� the auto�ate� syste��
The �ontrol unit esta�lishes the �e�eleration points�
Press the SET UP push��utton �or one se�on�� The SET UP LED starts
to �lash when you release the push��utton� Start the �ollowin�
pro�e�ure within 8 se�on�s (otherwise the operator will per�or�
auto�ati� learnin�):
1) Gi�e the 1st OPEN �o��an�: the operator per�or�s a
slowe���own �losin� �anoeu�re until it �ete�ts the stop
point an� stops�
�) Gi�e the �n� OPEN �o��an�: the operator �ontinues with
an openin� �o�e�ent�
��) Gi�e the ��r� OPEN �o��an� in or�er to �e�ine the point
where you wish �e�eleration to �e�in�
�) Gi�e the �th OPEN �o��an� to �e�ine the openin� stop
point� or wait �or the auto�ate� syste� to �ete�t arri�al at
the stop point an� then stop�
��) Gi�e the ��th OPEN �o��an�: the auto�ate� syste� �e�ins
the �losin� �o�e�ent�
6) Gi�e the 6th OPEN �o��an� in or�er to �e�ine the point
where you wish �e�eleration to �e�in�
�) Wait �or the �oor to rea�h the stop point an� �or the
operator to stop�
I� the learnin� pro�e�ure ter�inate� positi�ely� the SET UP LED
stops �lashin� an� stays li�hte� �or �� se�on�s�
Durin� these �� se�on�s� in or�er to li�hten the loa� on the
release syste�� you �an sen� OPEN pulses within a ti�e inter�al
o� � se�on�s �ro� ea�h other� in or�er to re�erse the �arria�e�
One pulse �orrespon�s to a �� �illi�etre tra�el�
N�B�: The �arria�e �an �e seen re�ersin� only �urin� nor�al
operation o� the auto�ate� syste��
Hol� �own the SET UP push��utton until the SET UP LED �oes
on (a�out �� se�on�s)� The SET UP LED starts to �lash when you
release the push��utton�
1) A�ter � se�on�s the operator auto�ati�ally �loses the �oor
�y �e�eleration until the stop point is �ete�te��
�) The operator �o�es the �oor to open� Wait until the stop
point is rea�he�� or �i�e an OPEN �o��an� in the position
where you wish to stop �otion�
��) The operator �loses the �oor�
�) Wait �or the �oor to rea�h the stop point an� �or the
operator to stop�
I� the learnin� pro�e�ure ter�inate� positi�ely� the SET UP LED
stops �lashin� an� stays li�hte� �or �� se�on�s�
Durin� these �� se�on�s� in or�er to li�hten the loa� on the
release syste�� you �an sen� OPEN pulses within a ti�e inter�al
o� � se�on�s �ro� ea�h other� in or�er to re�erse the �arria�e�
One pulse �orrespon�s to a �� �illi�etre tra�el�
N�B�: The �arria�e �an �e seen re�ersin� only �urin� nor�al
operation o� the auto�ate� syste��
The �ontrol unit esta�lishes the �e�eleration points�
Pause ti�e is �i�e� at �� �inutes�
Hol� �own the SETUP push��utton until the SET UP LED �oes
on (a�out �� se�on�s)� The SET UP LED starts to �lash when you
release the push��utton� Start the �ollowin� pro�e�ure within
� se�on�s (otherwise the operator will per�or� auto�ati� SET
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
1) Gi�e the 1st OPEN �o��an�: the operator per�or�s a
�) Gi�e the �n� OPEN �o��an�: the operator �ontinues with
��) Gi�e the ��r� OPEN �o��an� in or�er to �e�ine the point
�) Gi�e the �th OPEN �o��an� to �e�ine the openin� stop
��) Gi�e the ��th OPEN �o��an�: the pause ti�e �ount is stoppe�
6) Gi�e the 6th OPEN �o��an� in or�er to �e�ine the point
�) Wait �or the �oor to rea�h the stop point an� �or the
I� the learnin� pro�e�ure ter�inate� positi�ely� the SET UP LED
stops �lashin� an� stays li�hte� �or �� se�on�s�
Durin� these �� se�on�s� in or�er to li�hten the loa� on the
release syste�� you �an sen� OPEN pulses within a ti�e inter�al
o� � se�on�s �ro� ea�h other� in or�er to re�erse the �arria�e�
One pulse �orrespon�s to a �� �illi�etre tra�el�
N�B�: The �arria�e �an �e seen re�ersin� only �urin� nor�al
operation o� the auto�ate� syste��
I� learnin� is not per�or�e� �orre�tly �ue to a hea�y �oor or to
�oor �o�e�ent pro�le�s� learnin� with a �reater thrust �or�e
(1000N instea� o� 600N) is possi�le�
How to start this type o� learnin�:
1) Start the require� learnin� �y�le in the nor�al way�
�) While the auto�ate� syste� is per�or�in� the spe�i�ie�
�o�e�ents� repeat the learnin� start pro�e�ure�
��) The auto�ate� syste� starts the learnin� �y�le a�ain� �ut
with a �reater thrust�
learning stage)
Durin� the learnin� sta�e� the operator sear�hes �or the
on��roun� stop point� usin� the �a�i�u� �or�e that �an �e
�an �e �eter�ine� also �anually: when the automated system
performs the closing movements, give an OPEN command
when the stop point is reached� I� the stop �o��an�s at �irst an�
se�on� �losin� were in�onsistent� the auto�ate� syste� si�nals
the �ault status an� the learnin� �y�le �ust �e repeate��
Durin� nor�al operation� the auto�ate� syste� in any �ase
sear�hes �or the stop �onta�t point� �ut it e�er�ises only the
�or�e ne�essary to �o�e the �oor�
�e�eleration �losin� �anoeu�re until it �ete�ts the stop
an openin� �o�e�ent�
where you wish �e�eleration to �e�in�
point� or wait �or the auto�ate� syste� to �ete�t arri�al at
the stop point� A�ter the stop� the ti�e when the auto�ate�
syste� is le�t open starts to �e �ounte� � This will �e the pause
ti�e whi�h will �e o�ser�e� �urin� �anual operation (��
�inutes �a�i�u�)�
an� the �losin� �o�e�ent starts�
where you wish �e�eleration to �e�in�
operator to stop�
N))� To pre�ent e��essi�e stress� the stop point
The sensitivity of the anti-crushing device depends
on programming (anti-crushing sensitivity, manual
ad�ustment of force) and on the door�s mechanical
characteristics. When installation and programming
have been completed, always run the checks specified
in the regulations in chapter �WARNINGS FOR THE
INSTALLER�� of these instructions.
When the learning cycle has finished, make the automated
system perform a complete cycle, in order to ac�uire
the correct closing stop point. If, after the end of this
cycle, the automated system opens the door again,
command closure.