Via Pa�re Elzi� ��� � ��0��0 Grasso��io Grasso��io � ITALY
Declares that:
Operator �o�el� ZODIAC 100 with unit�
• is �uilt to �e inte�rate� into a �a�hine or to �e asse��le� with other �a�hinery to �reate a �a�hine un�er
the pro�isions o� Dire�ti�e 98/���/EC;
• �on�or�s to the essential sa�ety require�ents o� the other �ollowin� EEC �ire�ti�es:
���/���/EEC an� su�sequent a�en��ent 9��/68/EEC�
89/����6/EEC an� su�sequent a�en��ent 9�/��1/EEC an� 9��/68/EEC
Further�ore� the �anu�a�turer �e�lares that the �a�hinery �ust not �e put into ser�i�e until the �a�hine into
whi�h it will �e inte�rate� or o� whi�h it will �e�o�e a �o�ponent has �een i�enti�ie� an� its �on�or�ity to the
�on�itions o� Dire�ti�e 89/��9�/EEC an� su�sequent �o�i�i�ations assi�ilate� in Italian National le�islation un�er
Presi�ential De�ree No� ���9 o� �� July 1996 has �een �e�lare��
Grasso��io� 01 January �006
1) ATTENTION! To ensure the safety of people, it is important that you read
all the following instructions. Incorrect installation or incorrect use of the
product could cause serious harm to people.
�) Care�ully rea� the instru�tions �e�ore �e�innin� to install the pro�u�t�
��) Do not lea�e pa�kin� �aterials (plasti�� polystyrene� et��) within rea�h
o� �hil�ren as su�h �aterials are potential sour�es o� �an�er�
�) Store these instru�tions �or �uture re�eren�e�
��) This pro�u�t was �esi�ne� an� �uilt stri�tly �or the use in�i�ate� in this
�o�u�entation� Any other use� not e�pressly in�i�ate� here� �oul�
�o�pro�ise the �oo� �on�ition/operation o� the pro�u�t an�/or �e
a sour�e o� �an�er�
6) GENIUS �e�lines all lia�ility �ause� �y i�proper use or use other than
that �or whi�h the auto�ate� syste� was inten�e��
�) Do not install the equip�ent in an e�plosi�e at�osphere: the presen�e
o� in�la��a�le �as or �u�es is a serious �an�er to sa�ety�
8) The �e�hani�al parts �ust �on�or� to the pro�isions o� Stan�ar�s EN
1�60� an� EN 1�60���
For non�EU �ountries� to o�tain an a�equate le�el o� sa�ety� the
Stan�ar�s �entione� a�o�e �ust �e o�ser�e�� in a��ition to national
le�al re�ulations�
9) GENIUS is not responsi�le �or �ailure to o�ser�e Goo� Te�hnique in
the �onstru�tion o� the �losin� ele�ents to �e �otorise�� or �or any
�e�or�ation that �ay o��ur �urin� use�
10) The installation �ust �on�or� to Stan�ar�s EN 1������ an� EN 1������
For non�EU �ountries� to o�tain an a�equate le�el o� sa�ety� the
Stan�ar�s �entione� a�o�e �ust �e o�ser�e�� in a��ition to national
le�al re�ulations�
11) Be�ore atte�ptin� any jo� on the syste�� �ut out ele�tri�al power �
1�) The �ains power supply o� the auto�ate� syste� �ust �e �itte� with
an all�pole swit�h with �onta�t openin� �istan�e o� ���� or �reater� Use
o� a 6A ther�al �reaker with all�pole �ir�uit �reak is re�o��en�e��
1��) Make sure that a �i��erential swit�h with threshol� o� 0�0�� A is �itte�
upstrea� o� the syste��
1�) Make sure that the earthin� syste� is per�e�tly �onstru�te�� an� �onne�t
�etal parts o� the �eans o� the �losure to it�
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
The Mana�in� Dire�tor
D� Gianantoni
1��) The sa�ety �e�i�es (EN 1�9�8 stan�ar�) prote�t any �an�er areas
16) Use o� at least one in�i�ator�li�ht (e��� GUARD ) is re�o��en�e� �or
1�) GENIUS �e�lines all lia�ility as �on�erns sa�ety an� e��i�ient operation o�
18) For �aintenan�e� stri�tly use ori�inal parts �y GENIUS�
19) Do not in any way �o�i�y the �o�ponents o� the auto�ate�
�0) The installer shall supply all in�or�ation �on�ernin� �anual operation
�1) Do not allow �hil�ren or a�ults to stay near the pro�u�t while it is
��) Keep re�ote �ontrols or other pulse �enerators away �ro� �hil�ren� to
���) Transit un�er the �oor �ust o��ur only when the auto�ate� syste�
��) The user �ust not atte�pt any kin� o� repair or �ire�t a�tion whate�er
���) Maintenan�e: �he�k at least e�ery 6 �onths the e��i�ien�y o� the
26) Anything not expressly specified in these instructions is not permitted.
a�ainst mechanical movement Risks� su�h as �rushin�� �ra��in�� an�
e�ery syste�� as well as a warnin� si�n a�equately se�ure� to the
�ra�e stru�ture� in a��ition to the �e�i�es �entione� at point "1��"�
the auto�ate� syste�� i� syste� �o�ponents not pro�u�e� �y GENIUS
are use��
o� the syste� in �ase o� an e�er�en�y� an� shall han� o�er to the user
the warnin�s han��ook supplie� with the pro�u�t�
pre�ent the auto�ate� syste� �ro� �ein� a�ti�ate� in�oluntarily�
has stoppe��
an� �onta�t quali�ie� personnel only�
syste�� parti�ularly the e��i�ien�y o� the sa�ety �e�i�es (in�lu�in�� where
�oreseen� the operator thrust �or�e) an� o� the release �e�i�es�