Add steam
EN 36
Steam can be added to the cooking process before cooking is started
(Add steam 1-3X) or during cooking (Add steam). Both functions can
be found in the 'Plus' menu in the oven function menu.
Add steam (1-3X) is recommended for cooking:
• meat: beef, veal, pork, game, poultry, lamb, fish, sausages (at the
end of the cooking process).
An injection of steam will make meat juicier and softer without the
need for basting.
• bread, bread rolls: use steam for the first 5-10 minutes of baking.
The crust will then be crispy and nicely browned.
• vegetables and fruit soufflés, lasagna, starchy dishes, desserts.
• vegetables, particularly potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots,
courgette, aubergine.
Add steam 1-3X
Up to three steam cycles can be selected. The automatic cycles are
distributed evenly across the cooking process. It is therefore important
that a cooking time is set!
• This function is not available without setting a cooking time.
• When the cooking time is set too short, one or more options are not
1. Select an oven function and set a cooking time (see 'Function
setting-display' chapter).
2. Tap the plus symbol to open the 'Plus' menu.
3. Tap on 'Add steam 1-3X' to open the function.
4. Tap on 1x, 2x or 3x to select the number of steam cycles.