53220A/53230A Math, Graphing, and Data Logging
Trend chart configuration
Figure 6-9
control of the trend window.
Figure 6-9
Trend chart boundaries
The trend chart boundaries (Y Max and Y Min) can be set automatically (AutoScale
On) or manually (AutoScale Off) using the menus under the Options soft key
window. Manually-set boundaries (off) can result in readings outside the window.
Manual boundaries are set using the front panel knob or [Shift]ed numeric keys.
If reading limits are set using the Math function, setting YMax and YMin will scale
(but not change) the limits within the YMax and YMin boundaries. YMax and YMin
cannot specify a boundary smaller than the Math reading limits.
A maximum of 100 readings or decimation points can be displayed in the trend
shows the softkey menus associated with trend chart configuration and
Trend chart configuration and control.
6-9). Auto-scaled (on) boundaries keep all readings within the trend
Keysight 53220A/53230A User's Guide