Manual: Laserworld Proline Series
ILDA files on SD card - use with Laserworld Proline Series units and similar:
The following procedure describes how the Laserworld Showeditor (FREE) can be used
for creating ILDA-files that can be used with the SD card of the Laserworld Proline Series
Lasers (model 2015 and newer, may apply for older models and models of other brands and
manufacturers as well).
General information about how the SD card playback of the Laserworld Proline Series
The *.ild files reside on the SD card. Use a random SD card reader/writer to save files to the
SD card (most modern laptops have a built-in SD card reader).
The *.ild files must be saved to folders on the SD card – they can only be called when they
are in a folder. The folder name must not be longer than 8 characters. The ILDA file name
must not be longer than 8 characters and must not contain special characters.
Each folder must hold one very important file: The *.prg file. This is a text file that is used for
the configuration of the scan speed and the repetition rate of the frames, so it is mandato-
The *.prg file can be opened and edited with the Windows Editor / Notepad or any other
text editor.
Create the ILDA file:
The major procedure for creating and saving an ILDA file is as described in the tutorial
Some steps are slightly different, these are described below:
Save and export the ILDA file
When saving the drawn figure as *.ild file, select "optimize figure", then specify a file name –
it must not exceed 8 characters in length! You can directly save it to the SD card (if inserted
to your card reader), but remember to save it to a folder (see "General information" above).
As ILDA standard type select standard Version 6
Create folder, copy ILDA file
You can either use the existing folder on the SD card to store your ILDA frames to, or you
can create a new one (see "General information" above, remember to not use more than 8
characters). Copy the file(s) you have created to the folder of your choice. Remember that
the file name must not be longer than 8 characters. You can use up to max. 254 ILDA files in
one folder.
Edit the *.prg file to make the files accessible
For making the files accessible to the laser, it is mandatory to enter then specifications of
the ILDA file in the *.prg file. To do so, open either the existing *.prg file in a text editor (e.g.
Windows Editor / Notepad), or create a blank, new *.prg file in the new folder. The *.prg file
structure is very simple – it's just a text file with settings per ILDA file. One ILDA file per row.
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