If collimation is required:
Remove the telescope tube from the mount and place it horizontally on a table with the focuser pointing
upwards. Remove the objective and eyepiece covers. Look into the front opening of the telescope. You will be
able to see the main mirror at the bottom, which is fixed with three holding clamps. In the front part of the tube
you will see secondary mirror spider with a small plane mirror positioned at 45°. This has the task of directing
the light bundle into the focuser.
In the centre of the mirror spider you see three small screws, which are for adjusting the attitude of the
secondary mirror. At the lower end the tube you will see three or six screws for the adjusting the main mirror.
Turning these screws changes the tilt orientation of the mirror and hence the state of adjustment.
Use a Cheshire collimating eyepiece, available from astronomy suppliers, for the adjustment. Alternatively, you
could also make an adjustment eyepiece yourself.
primary mirror clip
main mirror
primary mirror clip
secondary mirror cell
secondary mirror
primary mirror clip
primary mirror clip