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(pictures page 8)
1. Cut the vacuum-formed canopy out of the plastic. Sand or cut the edges so it fits perfect over the fuselage. You can make a small hole on
front of the canopy as a battery cooling intake.
2. Remove the foam behind the battery compartiment, it will give the battery more room backwards when adjusting the CG balance.
3. Use epoxy to glue the 2 small pieces of plywood in the slots on the fuselage next to the canopy.
4. Cut out the vacuum-formed nose cap and glue it to the front of the fuselage. Tip: first paint the inside of the cap to avoid scratches.
5. Glue the vertical fin to the fuselage. Be sure to align correctly.
6. Mount the motor to the mount plate and glue it to the tail of the fuselage. Align the centerline with the fuselage parting line to obtain an
angle of 2 ° upwards.
7. Cut out the vacuum-formed jet nozzle, remove the marked area to obtain motor cooling. You can also paint the nozzle from the inside.
Mark the position of the screws and drill the holes. Now the motor can be tightened with the supplied screws.
8. Glue the remaining 4 plywood pieces in the slots on the underside of the fuselage. Glue the servos in the slots, you can use the supplied
double-sided tape, epoxy or hot glue. (Degrease first).
9. Cut out the vacuum-formed plastic fuselage bottom cover and cut out the position of the servos. You can also cut out the hand grip
position. Mark the holes for the 4 screws and drill the holes in the plastic and the plywood. You can now paint the inside of the fuselage
bottom cover.
10. Glue the main wings to the fuselage with epoxy. Be carefull to align the leading and trailing edges with the fuselage parting line.
11/12.Cut slightly to pass through the elevon horn grooves. Snap the elevon control horn sets together.
13. Cut off and remove +/- 1 mm from the outer and inner side of the ailerons.
14. Place the receiver and speed controller into the fuselage and connect them properly. Make sure the battery connectors are accessible
through the bottom hole of the fuselage. Connect the ailerons through the pushrods and plastic clevises.
The centre of gravity (CG) is located at 135-150 mm from the leading edge of the wing. Move the battery more forward or aft until the CG is
The standard elevon trim is +/- 2 mm up. If necessary, you can glue the two vacuumformed turbulators to the wing tips.
Be sure to set the controls up in the following manner:
Elevator UP: both elevons up (5-8 mm).
Aileron RIGHT (as seen from behind): RIGHT elevon UP (5-8 mm), LEFT elevon down (5-8 mm).
First flight
First check the range of your radio.
Ask someone with experience to firmly launch the model straight into the wind. If the model cannot climb properly, the elevon trim is too high,
move the CG backwards.
If the model is assembled perfectly and properly setup, it will fly level after a high speed dive. If the model tends to go up, move the CG
backwards. If the model continues to dive, move the CG forwards.
We wish you any happy flights with your Mirage 2000.
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