Aligning the Rotational Plane in the
Vertical Position
When the measuring tool is in the vertical position, it
is possible to rotate the laser point, laser line or rota-
tional plane around the Y-axis for easy sighting out or
parallel alignment.
Rotation is possible within a range of ± 10 %.
After switching on in vertical position, "CCW CW/
SWEEP POS" (rotation in counterclockwise or clock-
wise direction/line positioning) is indicated on the dis-
play. Align the rotational plane by pressing selection
button 8 above "CCW" (rotation in counterclockwise
direction) or selection button 4 above "CW" (rotation in
clockwise direction).
To exit the menu, press function-mode button 7.
The alignment of the rotational plane is retained
regardless of whether rotational operation, line opera-
tion or point operation is set afterwards.
To change the alignment of the rotational plane,
switch back to the "SELECT/SWEEP POS" menu
by pressing function-mode button 7.
Automatic Levelling
The automatic levelling and the shock-warning func-
tion can be switched on and off on the measuring tool.
Press function-mode button 7 until "SELECT/
AUTOLEVEL" (selection/automatic levelling) is indi-
cated on the display. Then press the left selection but-
ton 8. The setting indicated at the top of the display is
active and can be changed by pressing the left selec-
tion button.
The following settings are possible:
– "ADS" (shock-warning function): Automatic level-
ling and shock-warning function switched on.
– "ON": Automatic levelling switched on, shock-
warning function switched off.
– "OFF": Automatic levelling and shock-warning
function switched off.
When the desired setting is indicated, press the func-
tion-mode button 7 to save the setting and to exit the
Shock-warning Function ("ADS")
The measuring tool has a shock-warning function;
after position changes or shock to the measuring tool,
or in case of ground vibrations, it keeps the measuring
tool from levelling in at changed heights, and thus pre-
vents vertical errors.
Note: When the measuring tool is in horizontal posi-
tion, only not-inclined axes are monitored. When two
axes are inclined, the shock-warning function is deac-
tivated. When one axis is inclined and the other not,
the not-inclined axis is monitored. Position changes
exactly alongside the inclined axis are not detected.
2 610 A15 112 • 12.8.09
When factory set, the shock-warning function is acti-
vated after switching on the measuring tool. The shock
warning is activated approx. 60 s after switching on the
measuring tool or switching on the shock-warning func-
When the levelling-accuracy range is exceeded after
a position change of the measuring tool or when
heavy ground vibrations are detected, the shock-
warning function is actuated:
"CONT/UNIT UNLEVEL" (continue/measuring tool
out of levelling range) is indicated on the display. The
rotation is stopped and the laser flashes in point oper-
ation. The current operating mode is stored.
After the shock-warning function has actuated, press
the right selection button 4 above "CONT" (continue).
The shock-warning function is restarted and the meas-
uring tool starts the levelling. As soon as the measuring
tool is levelled in, it starts in the stored operating mode.
Now, check the height of the laser beam with a refer-
ence point and correct the height, if required.
The shock-warning function can also be set in such a
manner that it is not automatically switched on when
switching on the measuring tool. Switching on the
function at a later point of time is of course possible.
To change the standard setting of the shock-warning
function when switching on the measuring tool, pro-
ceed as follows:
With the measuring tool switched off, press and hold
the right selection button 4 while switching the meas-
uring tool on.
Working with Automatic Levelling ("ON")
After switching on, the measuring tool checks the hor-
izontal and vertical position, and automatically com-
pensates irregularities within the self-levelling range of
± 5°.
When the measuring tool is inclined by more than 5°
after switching on or after a position change, levelling
is no longer possible. The rotor is stopped and the
laser is switched off. If the grade alongside the Y-axis
is too steep, "ERROR/Y TOO STEEP" is indicated
on the display. If the grade alongside the X-axis is too
steep, "ERROR/X TOO STEEP" is indicated on the
In this case, switch the measuring tool off, re-align it
and switch the measuring tool on again. If the measur-
ing tool is not re-positioned, it is automatically switched
off after 2 minutes.
When the measuring tool is levelled in, it continuously
checks the horizontal and vertical position. Automatic
re-levelling takes place after position changes. If the
measuring tool cannot be re-levelled after 3 seconds,
the rotor is stopped during the levelling procedure to
avoid faulty measurements, and the laser flashes. The
shock-warning function remains active.
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