Three Single Breasts in Base (L55)
This model shows the cast from three original different female breasts (middle sized breast and large
breast). The individual breasts are supplied with a base for storage. The breasts are marked with the num-
bers „1", „2" and „3" at the bottom so that they can be assigned to the base and the drawing. The three
single breasts illustrate the following changes:
Model 1(Left breast)
1. Round, movable tumor at a depth of 10 mm, 20 mm in diameter, presumably benign.
2. Round, movable tumor at a depth of 10 mm, 20 mm in diameter, presumably benign.
Model 2 (Left breast)
3. Irregular tumor adhering to the chest wall at a depth of 15 mm, approx. 15 mm in diameter,
presumably malign.
4. Irregular tumor adhering to the chest wall at a depth of 15 mm, approx. 20 mm in diameter,
presumably malign.
5. Column-shaped, irregular tumor at a depth of 10mm, adhering to the chest wall, approx. 30 mm in
diameter, malign.
6. Permanently inverted nipple (recently occurred), frequently in combination with a malign tumor
7. "Orange-peel skin", skin structure as in an orange peel with pore retraction through lymphostasis
(blocked lymph ducts) caused by malign tumors.
Model 3 (Right breast)
It is essential to consult your gynecologist about all of the described anomalies! Only an expert can deter-
mine the cause of any changes and decide on further action.
Mod. 1
Mod. 2
Mod. 3