How it Works / Basic Function
The Control Pro IR Quattro and IR
Quattro HD are passive infrared
presence detectors intended to
control lighting and HVAC in
commercial buildings, offices,
schools, public building, etc.
Lighting is controlled in relation
to both the presence of motion
IR Quattro COM1-WR/COM1-24
IR Quattro HD COM1-WR/
1 switching output (COM1-WR
Line Voltage / COM1-24 Low
Voltage) operating in relation
to the detection of motion and
ambient light level.
- Light level setting
- Occupancy time delay,
Pulse mode, IQ mode
IR Quattro COM-WR_USA_03-07-13_ENU-FRA.indd 9
R Quattro COM-WR_USA_03-07-13_ENU-FRA.indd 9
and ambient light levels. The
HVAC output on the (COM2-24)
is signaled in relation to only the
presence of motion. The highly
advanced lens provides a me-
chanically scalable square cover-
age pattern allowing the com-
missioning agent the ability to
IR Quattro COM2-24
IR Quattro HD COM2-24
1 low voltage switching output
operating in relation to the de-
tection of motion and ambient
light level. An additional isolat-
ed normally open and normally
closed set of dry contact clo-
sures for signaling HVAC (heat-
in relation only to the presence
of persons.
- Light level setting
- Occupancy time delay,
Pulse mode, IQ mode
- HVAC stay-'ON' time
- HVAC switch-'ON' delay,
Auto-HVAC mode
- 9 -
select the detection zone need-
ed for the application. Commis-
sioning adjustments are made
by potentiometer or dip switch
settings on the sensor or by the
optional (RC3 service remote)
commissioning tool.
IR Quattro DIM-24
IR Quattro HD DIM-24
1 low voltage switching output
operating in relation to the de-
tection of motion and ambient
light level. An additional isolat-
ed 1-10 volt dimming output
operating in relation to the
amount of daylight present.
- Light level setting
- Occupancy time delay,
Pulse mode, IQ mode
- Stay 'ON' time DIM before 'OFF'
- Constant light level DIM
control option
04.07.13 14:
04.07.13 14: