Measuring Contact Voltage (UB)
Measurement conditions ................40% IΔN
Measurement time ..........................max 2000 ms,when exceeding limits, immediate cut-off
Measurement range ........................0,6 ... 70,0 V bei IΔN 100, 300, 500, 1000mA
........................................................1...70 V bei IΔN 10, 30mA
Resolution .....................................0,1 V at IΔN 100, 300, 500, 1000mA
Tolerance ........................................-0%...+10% /+6 Digit
Limits .............................................5V / 50V, contact voltage limit UL to be pre-selected
Measuring Ground Resistance (RE)
Measurement conditions ...............40% IΔN
Measurement time ..........................max. 2000 ms, when exceeding limits, immediate cut-off
Range: ...............................................1...1999 Ω (at IΔN 100, 300, 500, 1000 mA)
...........................................................0,01...1,99 kΩ (at IΔN 10, 30 mA)
Resolution: ........................................1 Ω (at IΔN 100, 300, 500, 1000 mA)
...........................................................0,01 kΩ (at IΔN 10, 30 mA)
Tolerance: .........................................±10%/ ±10 Digit (at IΔN 100, 300, 500, 1000 mA)
...........................................................±10%/ ±20 Digit (at IΔN 10, 30 mA) depends of contact voltage
Measuring Trip Time tA:
Measurement range ........................IΔN 10, 30, 100, 300, 500, 1000mA standard
........................................................100, 300, 500, 1000 mA Selektiv
Test currents ..................................IΔN x0.5 / x1 / x2 / x5 (siee table 1)
Test current type AC, .......................intermittent DC residual current
Phase position ................................. 0° / 180°
Test current tolerance .....................0...+ 10% at Factor x1/x2/x5
........................................................-10%...0 at Factor x0.5
Measurement time ..........................see table 3, when exceeding limits, immediate cut-off.
Measurement range ........................0...1999ms
Resolution ......................................1ms
Tolerance ........................................± (2%+2Digit)
Limits .............................................25V / 50V, contact voltage limit UL to be pre-selected
Measuring Trip Current (Ramp Function)
Measurement ranges ......................10, 30, 100, 300, 500, 1000mA Standard, see table 2
Test currents .................................40% x IΔN...140% x IΔN, bei AC
........................................................10% x IΔN...140% x IΔN, bei pulsierendem Gleichfehlerstrom bzw. DC
Phase position ................................0° / 180°
Measurement time ..........................see table 3, when exceeding limits, immediate cut-off
Display ............................................10% IΔN...140% IΔN
Resolution ......................................10% IΔN
Tolerance ........................................± 10% IΔN
Triptime ..........................................0...1999ms
Technical Data