Display contact voltage
The measurement results may be saved by
pressing key Store (25).
If the condition of a faulty socket is to be saved,
first press key "Start" (22). Upon hearing the
"Error Signal", press key "Store" (25).
If due to the ramp current the contact voltage
is exceeded, the measurement is interrupted
and the current is displayed at the level at
which the excess occurred.
If trip time tRCD of RCD exceeds 300ms, the mea-
surement value for an trip time is displayed as
">300ms". The "Attention" symbol (1) is displayed
and for trip time display, the symbol for overload (2)
Starting of RCD Test
To make sure that the RCD is tripping correctly, a
standard test (tRCD/VC) has to be carried out. Ex-
ample: A correctly functioning RCD has a trip time
of ">300ms" at 50% IΔN, whereas the trip time
smaller than 300ms. When performing standard
test at IΔN.
If the RCD already trips at 50 % IΔN or not at
all at a residual current value higher than 100
% IΔN, the RCD is faulty or the incorrect nom-
inal residual current has been selected. The at-
tention symbol (1) is displayed and the sym-
bol for exceeding the limit (2) is indicated
together with the trip current (tRCD) display