Lay the tips on top of each other,
and then the bar on top and roll up the
kite. Be careful with the bridle lines
and stow them as best you can within
the two halves of the kite when rol-
ling it up. You can open the deflate
valves to make rolling it up easier.
Secure the package with the harness.
Tip: In shallow areas where
it is possible to walk, you can
drag the kite back to shore.
When doing this it is recom-
mended to have the kite as
described in "Securing the
kite" and then drag it in by by
holding the middle air-intake
valve. This way no water can
get into the kite and greater
distances can be covered.
A Flysurfer kite can be packed into its
bag very quickly. It is important that
the bridle is securely packed inside
the kite and the bar never gets into
or goes through the bridle lines.
Open the deflate valves.
Wind the lines round the bar until
you get to the mixer. Secure the lines
with the elastics or a half hitch. Keep
hold of the bar, or put it down somewhe-
re out of the way of the bridle lines.
Fold the kite in half along the
middle (tip on tip) and make sure
that the bridle is inside both halves.
Also make sure that there are no
bridle lines over the outside skin.
Lay the bar on-top of the kite and
a bit of the way in from the tips.
Throw the bridle lines in between
the two halves of the folded kite.
Roll up the kite around the bar.
Make sure that no sharp objects
on the beach damage the cloth.
Close the deflate valves careful-
ly and fold the kite on both sides of
the bar and put it in the kitebag.
Tip: If you do not want to
roll a wet bar into your kite,
there is a method to attach
the bar to the outside of
the bag. Fold the kite in the
middle (tip on tip) and then
roll up the kite, including
the bridle, and put it into the
bag. Then roll up the bar
and attach it to the outside
of the bag.
When setting up the kite it
is recommended to then
unroll the bar first and then
take the kite out of the bag.