Operation and functions
2.9 Description of the pre-programmed functions
The JRM can control 12 servo powered blinds, shutters and awnings (M0-11). They can be variably assigned to 3 groups (0-2). Manual
operation is performed locally, centrally or in groups using dual buttons. Programmed timers can activate the outputs (motors) at
specific times. In addition, they can be activated by sensors, depending on the level of daylight or the weather.
– The assignment of the outputs to the inputs is fixed and electrically locked.
– All motors are in idle state following a power cut.
Button local UP/DOWN
The motor is switched to self-run (2 min.) if a button is pressed for more than 1s. Jog mode is possible.
This function moves all motors centrally UP or DOWN. Jog mode is not possible!
Button central
Tip: The motors of several JRMs can be controlled centrally by switching a relay between the buttons (used for central UP and central
DOWN) and the inputs I24 and I25.
This function is used to move the motors in one group (0-2) UP or DOWN. Jog mode is not possible!
Button group
– Each motor (M0-M11) can be variably assigned to the 3 groups (0-2) on the JRM (see Section 2.4).
– Caution! If additional sensors are used, only 2 groups (0-1) are available!
GB - 12