Catalogue HY29-0037-M1/FR
Start up instructions & recommendations
La cartouche est un assemblage interchangeable
comprenant la came, le rotor, les palettes
et les ressorts.
STArT uP & cHeck uP
Moteurs hydrauliques, cylindrée fixe
M5AS - M5ASF, moteurs à palettes Denison
Operation of these rugged hydraulic motors is simple.
The motor shaft is driven by the rotor. Vanes, closely fitted into the
rotor slots, move radially to seal against the cam ring. The ring has
two major and two minor radial sections joined by transitional sections
called ramps. These contours and the pressures exposed to them are
balanced diametrically.
Light springs urge the vanes radially against the cam contour, assuring
a seal at zero speed, so that the motor can develop starting torque. The
springs are assisted by the centrifugal force at higher speeds. Radial
grooves and holes through the vanes equalize hydraulic forces on the
vanes at all times.
Fluid enters and leaves the motor cartridge through openings in the
side plates at the ramps. Each motor port connects the two diametri-
cally opposed ramps.
The rotor is axially separated from the sideplate surfaces by the film of
oil. The front sideplate is clamped against the cam ring by the pressure,
maintening optimum clearance as dimensions change with tempera-
ture and pressure. A three way shuttle valve in the sideplate causes
clamping pressure in port A or B, whichever is the highest.
Materials are chosen for long life efficiency. Vanes, rotor and cam ring
are made out of hardened high alloy steels. Cast semi-steel sideplates
are chemically etched to have a fine crystalline surface for good lubri-
cation at start-up.
La plaque flottante comporte un sélecteur de circuit
autorisant le passage de la pression la plus haute
dans la zone de serrage.
Came annulaire
interchangeable avec
les autres cames de
cylindrées différentes.
Elle a un revêtement
graphite sur son profil.
check that the assembly of the power unit is correct :
The distance between the suction pipe & the return lines in the tank
should be at its maximum.
A bevel on both suction & return lines is recommended to increase the
surface and so lower the velocity. We suggest a 45° minimum angle.
M5 velocities : inlet
V =
6 x p x r
The size of the air filter should be 3 times greater than the max. instant
return flow (ex: When all the cylinders are in movement ).
A coaxial drive is recommended. For any other type of drives, please
contact Parker.
Make sure that all protective plugs & covers have been removed.
Rainures latérales et trous radiaux permettent
d'égaliser les pressions s'exerçant sur les surfaces
inférieure et supérieure de la palette.
: return under pressure x < 6 m/s
: return low pressure
: Always insure that all return and suction lines are un-
der the oil level to avoid forming aeration or vortex ef-
fect. This should be done under the most critical situa-
tion (all cylinders extended for example).
Straight and short pipes are the best.
Q (l/min)
= m/s
V =
Parker Hannifin SAS
VPDE, Denison Vane Motors
Vierzon - France
Arc de rayon supérieur où
le fluide travaille et
pousse sur les palettes.
x < 6 m/s
(x < 20 ft per sec.)
(x < 20 ft per sec.)
x < 3 m/s
(x < 10 ft per sec.)
= ft/s
3.12 x p x r