The minimum power is regulated with the burner on: put the burner on minimum, remove the button from
the tap and regulate the frontal screw of the tap, which is located on the left side of the shaft, adjusting the
flame dimensions to the minimum without letting it go out, and thus, allowing the thermopar to have enough
heat so as to block the tap. After adjusting the minimum, wait for a couple of minutes to make sure that the
flame doesn't go out.
All replacements in this type of burner are very easy to make. In order to replace burner simply loosen it
from its supports. In order to do so, push it a bit to the back of the equipment and this loosens the burner
from the aluminium part. Replace the old burner with a new one or replace the injector in case of a change of
gas type. To loosen the injector one must use an adequate nut driver.
In order to replace the thermocouple and the electrode it is necessary to take out the front panel. To do so,
loosen the screws that attach the side panels' corners. This way the whole assembly; front panel and corners
will come out together.
The thermocouple and the electrode are attached to the aluminium part, which is attached to the burner
support. In order to take out the aluminum part, it's necessary to unscrew the pipe that links the tap to the
burner and the 2 screws that hold the burner frontal support.
The procedures above apply to the entire machine, except when it comes to the replacement on the injector
of the vertical burner.
Simply loosen the injector of the vertical burner in order to replace it, by another one of the same kind of gas
or for another injector of another type of gas. Keep in mind that the flame size must be adjusted (for
minimum and maximum please see procedure described above)
The remaining components are very easy to replace: to replace the injector's support, unscrew the screw on
the side and the nut of the feeding pipe; to replace the air regulator, loosen it from the cover support by using
an adequate driver; to replace the cover support, unscrew the 2 screws that are located in the inner part of the
machine; and to replace the cover, simply take out the old one because it is not attached to anything.
In case there's a tap malfunction, it should be replaced and there should not be any attempt to oil it.
All equipments have to be analyzed regularly, at least once per year, In order to assure a longer product life,
this maintenance has to be carried out by accredited technicians.