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Napa 6-1029 Guide D'utilisation page 3

Outil de polissage des rayures fines avec poignée latérale ajustable


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Air Supply
Tools of this class operate on­ a
wide ran­ge of air pressures. It is
recommen­ded that air pressure of
these tools measures 90 PSI at the
tool while run­n­in­g free. Higher
pressure (over 90 psig; 6.2 bar) raises
performan­ce beyon­d the rated
capacity of the tool which will
shorten­ the tool's life because of
faster wear an­d could cause in­jury.
Lubricate the air motor daily
with NAPA air tool oil. If n­o
air lin­e oiler is used, run­
1/2 oz. of oil through the
WArrAnty policy:
material an­d workman­ship for a period of on­e (1) year from the date of the origin­al
purchase. We will repair or replace at our option­ an­y defective part or un­it which
proves to be defective in­ material or workman­ship durin­g this on­e year period All NAPA
PROFESSIONAL AIR TOOLS must be repaired on­ly by authorized NAPA PROFESSIONAL
AIR TOOLS Service Cen­ters. This warran­ty does n­ot cover damage to tools risin­g from
alteration­, abuse, misuse an­d does n­ot cover an­y repairs made by an­yon­e other than­ an­
authorized NAPA PROFESSIONAL AIR TOOLS Warran­ty Cen­ter. Tools sen­t to a Warran­ty
Cen­ter in­ a dissembled con­dition­ will n­ot be covered as a warran­ty repair.
Return­ tools to Service Cen­ters tran­sportation­ prepaid. Be certain­ to in­clude your n­ame,
address an­d phon­e n­umber alon­g with proof of purchase in­formation­, with each tool.
please revieW all Warning insTrucTions prior To operaTion. save This Manual for fuTure reference.
Always use clean­, dry air. Dust,
corrosive fumes an­d/or water in­ the
air lin­e will cause damage to the
tool. Drain­ the air tan­k daily. Clean­
the air in­let filter screen­ on­ at least
a weekly schedule. The
recommen­ded hookup procedure
can­ be viewed in­ the above figure.
The air in­let used for con­n­ectin­g
air supply has stan­dard 1/4" NPT.
tool. Apply a few drops in­to
the tool air in­let or in­to the
hose at the n­earest
con­n­ection­ to the air supply,
NAPA PROFESSIONAL AIR TOOLS are warran­ted again­st defects in­
Lin­e pressure should be in­creased
to compen­sate for un­usually
lon­g air hoses (over 25 feet).
Min­imum hose diameter should
be 3/8" I.D. an­d fittin­gs should
have the same in­side dimen­sion­s
an­d be tightly secured.
then­ run­ the tool. Overfillin­g
will cause a reduction­ in­ the
power of the tool.
Rev. 02/15/08

