Tandberg SLR Installation and User's Guide
Tape Drive
When the HP Server or workstation is equipped with GSC Bus
Architecture, the HPUX System tape driver can be used by all
backup applications.
A patch must be downloaded on the Tandberg WEB for this environment.
Please refer to the Readme file provided with the patch for more information.
When the HP Server or Workstation is equipped with PB Bus
Architecture (Precision Bus), a tape driver is available on the
Tandberg WEB at www.tandberg.com. Please refer to the
Installation Procedure provided with the driver for more
Tape Drive Installation (GSC-bus Only)
To install the SLR tape drives, the SAM utility must be used.
1) Login as root.
2) Run SAM.
3) Select Peripheral Devices.
4) Select Action/Add.
The SLR will be automatically detected and the necessary drivers
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