may improve the seat movement by adding paraffin to the
surface of the rails��
Despite continuous quality control, defects and malfunctions caused
by individual components may occur in the equipment� In most cases
it's unnecessary to take the whole device in for repair, as it's usually
sufficient to replace the defective part�
If the equipment does not function properly during use, contact your
Tunturi dealer immediately. Always give the model and serial number
of your equipment. Please state also the nature of the problem,
conditions of use and purchase date�
If you require spare parts, always give the model, serial number of
your equipment and the spare part number for the part you need�
The spare part list is at the back of this manual� Use only spare parts
mentioned in the spare part list�
Remote control does not work
When the remote control integrated in the handlebar does not work
anymore it is probably not paired anymore�
To re-establish the connection between your handlebar control unit
and your display the handlebar must be powered by battery power
first prior to the rower console. Therefore:
Unplug the rowing machine's transformer.
Open the battery house on the back side of the handlebar and
take out the handlebar's CR2032 battery. ( wait for 2 seconds )
Reinstall the CR2032 battery, and close it's back cover again.
Plug in the rowing machine's transformer, and wait at least 10
seconds ( if not wait 10 sec. the procedure will fail ).
Try if it can work, by pressing start key on display and use UP/
Down keys on remote to see if this can adjust the tension level�
This should re-establish the connection again.
When the remote control integrated in the hand grip bar does not
work still, it is most likely that the battery in the hand grip bar ran out
of power. Replace the CR2032 cell battery for a new one.
- When installing the CR2032
battery, make sure you insert it
correctly to avoid the polarity of
the battery is incorrect�
- Make sure the metal hook is
over the battery as shown in the
- Polarity: - face down & + face Up
Squeaking rollers
- When sliding wheels are making noise during sliding movement,
apply 2cc. of lubricant on each protruding rail surface immediately.
We recommend to use a silicon based lubricant�
Do not apply too much lubricant or wipe off redundant lubricant
with a clean cloth as too much lubricant can cause carpet stain
or dirt particle�
Transport and storage
Carry and move the equipment with at least two persons.
Remain standing in front of the equipment on each side
and take a sturdy grip at the handlebars. Tilt the front of the
equipment so as to lift the rear of the equipment on the wheels�
Move the equipment and carefully put the equipment down�
Place the equipment on a protective base to prevent damage to
the floor surface�
Move the equipment carefully over uneven surfaces� Do not
move the equipment upstairs using the wheels, but carry the
equipment by the handlebars�
Store the equipment in a dry place with as little temperature
variation as possible�
- Loosen the locking pin under the front frame, press the front frame
downward slightly and pull the locking pin upward.
- Open the latch on the left hand side by pressing the tab to the
side� Lift the front frame up at the same time�
- Lower the front frame carefully in between the rails� Ensure that the
front frame is locked�
- Grasp the cross bar at the back of the rowing machine and lift the
device to an upright position so that it is supported by the front
end support legs.
Store the rowing machine in the storage position against a wall
in such a way that the front frame cannot fall on anyone by
The device is shipped with a loop and a hook for securing the
rowing machine properly in the storage position.
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