Is the operating rod straight?
Is the operating rod free of chemical damage?
Are the volumeter digits clear and easy to
Can you set any volume in the useful range?
Can you set the nominal (maximum) volume?
Does the volumeter operate smoothly without
If the answer to any of these questions is NO,
it is probable the pipette has been damaged as
the result of a mechanical shock or chemical
damage, in which case it should be returned to
your supplier for repair.
If the answer to these questions is YES, conti-
nue as follows.
Is the tip-ejector straight?
Is the tip-ejector free of chemical damage?
Remove tip-ejector; is the tip-holder undamaged
and free of chemical damage?
Are the O-ring and seal undamaged and free
of chemical damage?
If answer is NO, clean or replace the damaged
If the answer is YES, refer to the table on page 15;
you may need to clean or replace the piston
assembly, O-ring and seal. Pipetman must be
adjusted (recalibrated) after the piston
assembly is changed.
If you see a bubble in the aspirated liquid:
dispense the liquid into its original vessel, then
ensure that the tip is properly immersed below
the surface of the liquid and aspirate more
slowly - if a bubble appears again, replace the
Before returning any pipette, ensure
that it is completely free of chemical,
biological, or radioactive contamination.