Technical Data
Internal parts and inserting slots:
Ambient temperature:
To avoid wrong usage (e.g. by overload, mounting position
or usage in acid, alkaline or other hostile ambient condi-
tions) the limitations of the product have to be observed.
Please check in advance if your application requires the
usage of the more robust stainless steel model of SAFE-
MASTER STS. The requirements of the mounting and ope-
rating instruction must be fulfilled.
Dimensions [mm]
E. DOLD & SÖHNE KG • D-78114 Furtwangen
e-mail: • internet:
Stainless steel
V4A / AISI 316 / AISI 630
- 25 °C bis + 60 °C
• Padlock module V/K:
For the release of the upper module
and locking of the lower module the
non-removable key must be pulled out;
option of hanging up 1 to 3 padlocks
• Padlock module W/K:
Inverted design of padlock module V;
for the release of the lower and
locking of the upper module then
nonremovable key must be pulled out;
option of hanging up 1 to 3 padlocks
Ordering Designation
Padlock module V/K
Article number: 0066794
Padlock module W/K
Article number: 0066984
Variants and Accessories
The padlock module W/K has an inverted working principle compared to
padlock module V/K and is used to lock an access or switch with the help of
a padlock. To release a process, the key of the padlock module W must be
inserted. Padlock modul W are ideally suited for inverted applications with
the actuator modules K/K
P.O. Box 1251 • Telephone (+49) 77 23 / 654-0 • Telefax (+49) 77 23 / 654-356
SAFEMASTER STS/K Padlock modules V/K and W/K / 08.09.20 en / 288A