Prior to initial commissioning
In order to prevent poor running characteristics or damage from occurring, the coupling rod
bearings on your locomotive must be oiled prior to undertaking the initial commissioning. We
recommend using the ROCO oiler 10906
Running the model in
During the first five minutes the locomotive should run at medium speed. Before use is advi-
sable to let the loco go around about 30 minutes forwards and 30 minutes backwards without
load, to obtain and optimal circuit and best tractive power.
Operating instructions
The smallest radius this model should run is R2 (358 mm) of the Roco track system (model
without tubes protecting pistons). Your locomotive will run smoothly on clean tracks only. For
this purpose we recommend using item no. 46400, Roco track cleaning van, or item no. 10002,
Roco track cleaning rubber, for removing heavy dirt.
Operation is possible with different couplings. We recommend using the Roco close coupling.
In the enclosed accessory bag you will find small kits to be fitted on your locomotive. please
mount them cautiously.
8072164920 in Frutiger.indd 15
Starting locomotive operation
Use glue
only if
21.11.2017 14:15:18