Illuminati on Instructi ons
Moti on sensor and Knobs, Oven and Cabinet Lights
Moti on Sensor
Illuminati on modes
Default mode
• Knob light mode Blue
• Brightness on high
• Mo� on Sensor is ON
• Logo light is ON
Select Knob light mode by holding down the
Release it on the desired mode.
Go back to Default mode: by holding down the
Selecti ng a color
When you have the knobs on the Color spectrum mode the knobs will slowly cycle through the color
spectrum, star� ng at green.
Quickly Press
Press twice again to let it con� nue changing colors.
Logo light ON/OFF
The logo and knobs lights work as a set, However you can also turn the logo light off while keeping
the knobs lights on.
Double click the
again to turn it back on.
If the unit is powered OFF and ON again (main power switch), the logo light will
return to its default mode.
N415-0526 SEP 25.20
Turn the Power Switch ON located on the box inside the grill cabinet.
A red and a blue LED light will turn on. Illumina� on se� ngs are in Default mode.
Brightness: Press the
bu� on to change brightness
between high (100%), medium (65%) and low (35%).
This can only be changed when the knob lights are in
White or Blue Mode
The knob and logo lights will remain ON as long as mo� on is detected
within 1 meter of your grill. They will turn off a� er 15 minutes of inac� vity.
While the mo� on sensor is ON (as indicated by the blue LED), you can turn
the oven and cabinet lights on and off with the
Press the
bu� on in the box to turn the sensor OFF.
Now all your lights are controlled with the
The oven and cabinet lights will turn off a� er two hours.
If the mo� on sensor is OFF, the knob and logo lights will also
shut off a� er two hours.
Knob lights modes
• Blue
• White
• Green - color spectrum mode
Twice to stop the spectrum at any color you choose
bu� on to turn the logo light OFF at any � me. Double click
Brightness can be adjusted in these modes only
switch to toggle from blue to white to green.
bu� on for 2 seconds.