BC-Riser Control
An alternative option to control the RISE 4 - SOAR is to do it via the BC-Risers. You can find at
the riser a small green handle at the rear of the riser attached.
When pulling down at this BC-control the glider can be stabilized and actively flown. Like this
the glider can be kept on track or the glider can be controlled.
The advantage by using BC-riser control compared to active flying by brakes is that the glider
loses less speed and performance.
NOTE: The use of BC-riser control does not make the glider indestructible. It does not replace
proper active flying in strong turbulences.
There are two kind of variations:
Pull down at the green handle vertically – the B-riser and the C-riser will be pulled down like
this. This kind of system works throughout the whole speed range – also fully accelerated.
Here the pull is more horizontally backwards – only the C-riser is pulled down like doing this.
This kind is useful to do smaller corrections in flight, like for example when correcting the flight
the C-Control only works till three quarters of the speed range. At full-speed the glider could
collapse as pulling down only the C-riser makes the profile instable at full acceleration.
ATTENTION: The brake-handle must be hold in hands simply. If holding the brake-handle
wrapped (shortening the brakes) it makes the glider instable when accelerating and collapses
can occur.