Fig. 6.7 to 6.12 resume the different types of control
boxes, available as standard execution (= S008.BT)
or as an option (= other ref.). [See Fig. 6.7 - 6.16]
Fig. Ref.
Control box with battery switch
(model 2010-...), with rotary switch
Control box with battery switch
(model 2010-...), with push button
6.11 S008.ZT
Control box without battery switch,
with rotary switch
6.12 S008.ZP
Control box without battery switch,
with push button
6.11 S516.BT
Exterior controls integrated in the lid
of the power pack, with battery
switch, with rotary switch
6.12 S516.BP
Exterior controls integrated in the lid
of the power pack, with battery
switch, , with push button
6.13 S516.ZT
Exterior controls integrated in the lid
of the power pack, without battery
switch, with rotary switch
6.14 S516.ZP
Exterior controls integrated in the lid
of the power pack, without battery
switch, with push button
6.15 S094.3+1.Z
3+1 button control box, possible to
mount in the side of the body, with-
out battery switch
6.16 S094.3+1
3+1 button control box, possible to
mount in the side of the body, with
battery switch
(*) Only available for DH-L* 500-1000kg. S516.ZT stan-
dard on DH-LC and DH-LMQ.
6.7 S008.BT
6.8 S008.BP
6.9 S008.ZT
6.10 S008.ZP
6.11 S516.BT
6.12 S516.BP
6.14 S516.ZP
6.15 S094.3+1.Z
6.13 S516.ZT
6.16 S094.3+1