EN | IT | FR | DE | ES | PT | SE | FI | NO | DK | SK |CN
The instruction manual for this device consists of a general and specific instructions,
both must be carefully read and understood before use. Attention! This leafleat
shows the specific instruction only.
Any activity carried out at a height of more than two metres requires the use of Per-
sonal Protection Equipment (PPE) as a protection against the risk of a fall. Before ac-
cessing the work station, all the risk factors must be evaluated (environmental, con-
comitant, consequential).
EN 360:2002 - Personal protective equipment against falls from height / Retractable
type fall arresters. Attention! This device is for vertical use. Attention! The device
should only be used by trained and/or competent persons or by persons placed
under the direct supervision of a trained and/or competent person.
Device parts (Fig. 1): A) Upper connector; B) Swivel; C) Upper attachment point; D)
Screws and nuts; E) PA casing; F) Label (front / back); G) Integrated line built with
a galvanized steel cable Ø 4 mm (Ref. No. 8G107) or Ø 5 mm (Ref. No. 8G110-
8G115-8G210-8G215); H) Integrated line built with Dyneema webbing (PE) of 15
mm; I) Textile energy absorber; L) Crimp; M) Lower attachment point; N) Swivel with
fall indicator; O) Lower connector; P) Lower connector equipped with swivel with fall
indicator. Attention! During the use of the device, at least one swivel connection,
placed on the upper or lower attachment point, is necessary.
2) MARKING. The following indications are reported on the label (Fig. 2): 1) Pro-
duct name; 2) Number of the EN standard of reference; 3) Length of the integrated
line in m; 4) Device for vertical use; 5) Logo that advises the user to read the instruc-
tions carefully before use; 6) CE marking; 7) 0333 - Number of the notified body re-
sponsible for the control of the manufacturing; 8) Individual serial number; 9) Manu-
factured in Europe; 10) Name of the manufacturer or person responsible for placing
the product on the market; 11) Pictograms with general warnings. General warnings
(Fig. 5): 5.1A) Maximum permissible load 100 kg; 5.1B) Maximum permissible load
136 kg (Ref. No. 8G205-8G210-8G215); 5.2) Permissible thermometric range;
5.3) Maximum permissible angle; 5.4) Do not perform repairs; 5.5) Check the inte-
grity of the device before use; 5.6) Check that the line recoils correctly; 5.7) Test the
locking action by pulling the line; 5.8) Connect the device only to EN 795 anchor
points; 5.9) Connect to an EN 361 fall arrest attachment point; 5.10) Verify the mi-
nimum distance needed under the feet of the operator (X); 5.11) Be careful of the
pendulum effect; 5.12) Be careful of sharp edges. 5.13) Check that the swivel can-
not move so far as to cover the green ring (fall indicator activated).
3) TRACEABILITY (Fig. 4). The device includes an individual serial number (AAAA-
MM-YYYY) composed by progressive number (AAAA), month of manufacture (MM)
and year of manufacture (YYYY).
4) CHECK LIST. Before and after each use carry out the following inspection: 1)
Make sure the attachment points don't show any distortions, rust or wear. 2) Visual-
ly inspect the outer shell for cracks, deformations, burns or signs of corrosion. 3)
Check that all the screws and nuts are in place and properly tightened. 4) Check the
good condition of the mechanical splicing's. 5) Make sure the connectors lock pro-
perly and the levers move freely and efficiently. 6) Check the fall indicator. Atten-
tion! Do not use the device with the fall indicator activated (Fig. 5.13)! 7) Pull out
the line to the available length to ensure that it pays out and recoils smoothly. Check
for signs of abrasion or damage.
5) WARNINGS. The device has been designed to be used in weather conditions
that can normally be withstood by humans (operating temperature range between
-40°C and +50°C). All the materials and treatments are hypoallergenic and do not
cause skin irritation or sensitivity. During the use, it is essential for your own safety,
that the device and the anchor points are always correctly placed, and that the work
is organized in such a way, to minimize the risk of a fall from a height. Only anchor
points that comply with the EN 795 standard can be used (minimum strength 12 kN
or 18 kN for non-metallic anchors) that do not have sharp edges. Only use connec-
tors that comply with standard EN 362. Connect only to the sternal or dorsal con-
nection points EN361 of the harness.
The retractable fall arresters are conceived for temporary works at height and they
allow to the operator to climb to and to descend from the working site in safety,
arresting any possible fall.
6.1 - Instructions of use EN 360.
Before use: 1) Check the line return functions correctly, always holding it during the
rewinding. 2) Pull sharply the line to engage the brake. Attention! Before and during
use, consider how a safe and efficient rescue can be carried out.
Installation: 1) Connect the device to a proper anchor point conforming to EN 795.
2) Connect the lower connector to the sternal or dorsal EN 361 attachment point
of your full body harness. Attention! Only for models 8G600 and 8G700, it is
possible to use the device on the opposite side: the upper carabiner must be con-
nected to the dorsal or sternal ring of a fall arrester harness EN 361, and the lower
carabiner must be connected to an anchor point EN 795 (Fig. 6.2). 3) Verify that
the connectors employed are safely locked. 4) Make sure you always operate with
an adequate clearance underneath, in case of a fall, over the feet. 5) Consider the
pendulum effect operating the unit in non-vertical situations. 6) When the unit is used
not vertically, make sure you never risk a fall over sharp edges which can seriously
damage the line or, in extreme cases, cut it. In case of doubt about the good state
of the line, require immediate servicing and do not use the device. Attention! A
full body harness EN 361 is the only body-retaining device that can be applied in
a fall arrest system. Attention! The minimum distance needed under the feet of the
operator in order to avoid the collision with the structure or the ground, in case of a
fall from a height is equal to 2,5 metres.
At least every 12 months (6 months for usage in the sea), a rigorous check of the
device must be carried out by the manufacturer or expert staff expressly certified by
the manufacturer. This frequency can vary depending on the frequency and intensi-
ty of usage. Performing periodic checks on a regular basis is essential to ensure the
continued efficiency and durability of the device, on which the safety of the user de-
pends. The results of the checks will be related on the appropriate sheet that is sup-
plied with every device and that must accompany the device. Warning! If the sheet
is missing, or illegible, do not use the device. Device identification sheet (Fig. A):
A) Trademark; B) Manufacturer; C) Product (type, model, code); D) User (company,
name and address); E) Serial number; F) Year of manufacture; G) Purchase date; H)
Date of first use; I) Expiry date; L) Reference standards; M) Notified Body that per-
formed the CE check; N) Notified Body that controls production.
Device periodic check sheet (Fig. B): O) Date; P) Reason for check: periodic
check or additional check; Q) Name and signature of the person responsible for
checking; R) Notes (defects found, repairs performed or other relevant information);
S) Check results: device suitable for use, device not suitable for use or device to be
checked; T) Date of next check.
Le istruzioni d'uso di questo dispositivo sono costituite da un'istruzione generale e
da una specifica ed entrambe devono essere lette attentamente prima dell'utilizzo.
Attenzione! Questo foglio costituisce solo l'istruzione specifica.
Qualsiasi attività svolta oltre i due metri di altezza presuppone l'impiego di Disposi-
tivi di Protezione Individuale (DPI) contro il rischio di cadute. Prima di accedere alla
postazione di lavoro si devono considerare tutti i fattori di rischio (ambientali, con-
comitanti, consequenziali).
EN 360:2002 - Dispositivi di protezione individuale contro le cadute dall'alto / Di-
spositivi anticaduta di tipo retrattile. Attenzione! Questo dispositivo è per utilizzo
verticale. Attenzione! Il dispositivo va impiegato solo da persone addestrate e/o
competenti o da persone poste sotto la supervisione diretta di una persona adde-
strata e/o competente.
Parti del dispositivo (Fig. 1): A) Connettore superiore; B) Girello; C) Punto di attac-
co superiore; D) Viti e dadi; E) Carter in PA; F) Etichetta (fronte / retro); G) Linea in-
tegrata costruita con cavo in acciaio zincato Ø 4 mm (Ref. No. 8G107) o Ø 5 mm
(Ref. No. 8G110-8G115-8G210-8G215); H) Linea integrata costruita con fettuc-
cia in Dyneema (PE) da 15 mm; I) Assorbitore di energia tessile; L) Crimpaggio; M)
Punto di attacco inferiore; N) Girello con indicatore di caduta; O) Connettore infe-
riore; P) Connettore inferiore dotato di girello con indicatore di caduta. Attenzione!
Durante l'utilizzo del dispositivo è necessaria almeno una connessione girevole (gi-
rello), posizionata nel punto di attacco superiore o inferiore.
2) MARCATURA. Sull'etichetta sono riportate le seguenti indicazioni (Fig. 3): 1)
Nome del prodotto; 2) Numero delle norme EN di riferimento; 3) Lunghezza del-
la linea integrata in m; 4) Dispositivo per uso verticale; 5) Logo che avvisa l'uten-
te di leggere attentamente le istruzioni prima dell'utilizzo; 6) Marchio CE; 7) 0333
- Numero dell'organismo che interviene durante la fase di controllo della produzio-
ne; 8) Numero di serie individuale; 9) Fabbricato in Europa; 10) Nome del costrut-
tore o del responsabile dell'immissione sul mercato; 11) Pittogrammi con avverten-
ze generali. Avvertenze generali (Fig. 5): 5.1A) Carico massimo consentito 100 kg;
5.1B) Carico massimo consentito 136 kg (Ref. No. 8G205-8G210-8G215); 5.2)
Intervallo termometrico consentito; 5.3) Angolo massimo consentito; 5.4) Non ef-
fettuare riparazioni; 5.5) Verificare la perfetta integrità del dispositivo prima dell'uti-
lizzo; 5.6) Verificare il corretto richiamo della linea; 5.7) Provare la corretta azione
di bloccaggio tirando la linea; 5.8) Collegare il dispositivo esclusivamente a punti
di ancoraggio EN 795; 5.9) Collegare ad un punto di attacco anticaduta EN 361;
5.10) Verificare la distanza minima necessaria sotto i piedi dell'utilizzatore (X); 5.11)
Prestare attenzione all'effetto pendolo; 5.12) Prestare attenzione ai bordi taglienti;
5.13) Verificare che il girello non possa spostarsi fino a coprire l'anello verde (indi-
catore di caduta attivato).
3) TRACCIABILITÀ (Fig. 4). Il dispositivo riporta un numero di serie individuale
(AAAA-MM-YYYY) composto da numero progressivo (AAAA), mese (MM) e anno
di fabbricazione (YYYY).
4) CONTROLLI. Prima di ogni impiego eseguire la seguente procedura di control-
lo: 1) Verificare la perfetta integrità dei punti di attacco e l'assenza di ruggine, de-
formazioni etc. 2) Ispezionare il carter, verificando l'assenza di crepe, bruciature,
deformazioni e corrosioni. 3) Verificare che viti e dadi siano al proprio posto e si-
ano bloccati. 4) Controllate la perfetta integrità dei crimpaggi. 5) Verificate il cor-
retto funzionamento dei connettori: la leva deve muoversi liberamente e la ghie-
ra deve bloccare efficacemente l'apertura della leva. 6) Controllare l'indicatore di
caduta. Attenzione! Con indicatore di caduta attivato non utilizzare il dispositivo
- 6 -