3. Operation
3.5 Engine operation – Hatz
3.5.1 Star ting the En gi ne (Manual start)
Ma chi nes with elec tri cal star ter: Ne ver hand start
with a dis con nec ted bat te ry, this le ads to im me di -
ate de struc ti on of the re gu la tor.
Set the en gine speed le ver (1) to full load (MAX).
Slowly pull out han dle (2) with rope, un til de tect able re sis tance
can be felt (I.).
Al low the rope to run back in, to en able you to uti lise the whole
length of rope for the start ing pro ce dure (II.).
Take hold of the han dle (2) with both hands.
Pull the start ing rope with in creas ing speed, un til the mo tor
starts up.
If the mo tor does not ig nite af ter sev eral un suc cess ful
attemps at start ing, move the speed con trol le ver back
into stop po si tion and pull the start ing rope through
slowly, 5 times. Then re peat the start ing pro ce dure.