3. Operation
3.5.3 Star ting the En gi ne (Electrical start)
The oil pres sure in di ca tor (6) and charge in di ca tor (4)
serve for mon i tor ing the oil pres sure and func tion of the
al ter na tor.
If one of the in di ca tor lamps lights up dur ing op er a tion,
switch off the en gine im me di ately, lo cate the fault and
have it rec ti fied.
Set the en gine speed le ver (1) to full load (MAX).
In sert the ig ni tion key (3) and turn to «I»; the charge in di ca tor
(4) and the oil pres sure in di ca tor (6) lights up and a horn (5)
Turn the ig ni tion key (3) to «II» and re lease when the en gine
The star ting key must spring back to po si ti on «I» and
re main the re du ring en gi ne ope ra ti on.
The char ge (4) and oil pres su re in di ca tor (6) should ex -
tingu ish di rect ly af ter the en gi ne starts.
Pri or to star ting up again, the key has to be re tur ned to
po si ti on «0».
3.5.4 If the en gine starts
Set the en gine speed le ver (1) to idle (MIN).
Al low the en gine to run for 1-2 min utes in or der to warm up.