ART41361-001_rev-A 2:18 pm 30 aug 2019
Display: Replace Sensor
What it may mean: The App has detected a problem with your Sensor.
What to do: Apply and start a new Sensor.
Display: Unexpected Application Error
What it may mean: The App has detected an unexpected error.
What to do: Shut down the App completely and restart.
Display: Incompatible Sensor
What it may mean: The Sensor cannot be used with the App.
What to do: Call Customer Service.
Display: Scan Error
What it may mean: The smartphone was unable to scan the Sensor OR another
NFC app is competing for your smartphone's NFC.
What to do: Try scanning the Sensor again. Make sure to hold your smartphone
still once you get the first tone and/or vibration. Wait until you get the second tone
and/or vibration to move it away from the Sensor. Make sure you are not touching
any buttons on the smartphone or the screen OR if you think another App is
competing for your smartphone's NFC, launch FreeStyle LibreLink each time
before you scan, or uninstall the other NFC app.
Customer Service
Customer Service is available to answer any questions you may have about
FreeStyle LibreLink. Please go to
or refer to the product
insert in your Sensor Kit for your Customer Service phone number. A printed copy
of this User's Manual is available upon request.
Sensor Specifications
Sensor glucose assay method: Amperometric electrochemical sensor