readings. The probe compares each measurement with recent
Smart Trend
values to provide the current direction of change.
The absence of an arrow does not necessarily signify
stability. It may mean that the particular reading is undergoing
little to no change. Therefore, slow changes could occur without
being indicated by a trend arrow.
To exit Live Data view, select View Log Data from the menu.
In Logging Mode, the PosiTector DPM L probe will
automatically record datasets into memory at user selected time
intervals. To enable, select Start Logging from the PosiTector
App or PosiTector Advanced gage menu, then enter the desired
logging measurement interval (between 1 minute and 8 hours)
and select OK. All previously logged datasets are deleted from
the probe's memory.
The PosiTector DPM L immediately records the first dataset and
records subsequent datasets at the user-specified interval. The
PosiTector DPM L does not need to remain connected to the
PosiTector App or PosiTector Advanced gage body to continue
logging datasets. A maximum of 10,000 datasets (Ta, Ts, Td, Ts-
Td, RH, Tw) can be stored in PosiTector DPM L
memory. All datasets are date and time stamped.
The Logging Mode icon
display alongside the set interval. Measurements
on the display are only updated when a
dataset is stored. To view current
conditions, select
View Live Data from
the menu. In View
Live Data mode, the
probe will continue
PosiTector DPM L
recording. To return
to Log view, select
View Log Data.
Logging Mode
will appear on the
- identify rising, falling or stable