Equivalent length from the first manifold to the furthest
Height difference between
outdoor unit and indoor unit
Height difference between indoor units
Maximum length of main pipe (1)
4.2.3 Unit Capacity Code
Energy rank
22 model
32 model
Indoor unit
45 model
63 model
Outdoor unit
224 model
☆ The maximum number of indoor units is 16 with one outdoor unit;
☆ The total capacity code of indoor unit is in the range of 50% t~ 135% of that of outdoor unit.
4.2.4 Connection Pipe Size
(1) Pipe size between outdoor unit and the first manifold is determined by that of outdoor unit.
Pipe size between outdoor unit and the first manifold:
Outdoor unit model
① When the maximum length between outdoor unit and the first manifold exceeds or equals to 90m , the sizes
of gas pipe and liquid pipe of the main pipe are changed according to the following table.
Copyright 2018. This translation is property of GREE PRODUCTS SL. All rights reserved. Total or partial reproduction without its express authorization is prohibited.
GMV5 Compact Series VRF Outdoor Unit
Actual length
Equivalent length
Outdoor unit at upper
Outdoor unit at lower
capacity code
Energy rank
25 model
36 model
50 model
71 model
250 model
Fitting pipe between outdoor unit and the first manifold