When lock is off the following menus are directly accessable.
1. Maintain Temperature
The maintain temperature is the water temperature that you set for normal
use. The temperature can be selected using the up/down arrow keys. The
minimum temperature is 37°C or the economy temperature, whichever is
higher. The maximum temperature depends on cable type, pipe thickness,
insulation thickness and ambient temperature.
2. Economy Temperature
The economy temperature is the water temperature for periods during which
hot water is not usually tapped (at night) or when lots of hot water is tapped
(peak period). The temperature can be selected using the up/down arrow
keys. The minimum temperature is 37°C and the maximum temperature is
the selected maintain temperature.
3. Cable Length
The minimum cable length is 1m. The maximum cable length depends on
cable type and circuit breaker capacity (see Fig. 1, page 10). Select from
1 to the maximum length for the selected cable type using the up/down
arrow keys. Press Enter to confirm your choice.
4. Ambient Temperature
The ambient temperature is the temperature inside the room where the
heating cable is installed. Select from 0°C to 25°C using the up/down arrow
keys. Press Enter to confirm.
5. Pipe Diameter
Set the pipe diameter using the arrow keys The value can be changed from
15 mm up to 100 mm. See Appendix 5.2, page 24 for more information.
6. Insulation
Set the insulation thickness with the arrow keys. The value can be changed
from 9 to 100 mm, but is limited by the pipe diameter. See appendix 5.2,
page 24 ('Pipe size, Insulation and Temperature') for more information.
7. Power correction
Adjust the power setting for fine tuning the temperature.
See appendix 5.2, page 24 ('Pipe size, Insulation and Temperature') for
more information.
8. Trace Boiler
The trace boiler setting is included to ensure that the heating cable tem-
perature does not exceed the boiler temperature. The external temperature
sensor is used to measure the boiler temperature. See page 16 for more
9. Lock
Lock On/Off can be selected using the up/down arrows and Enter to con-
firm. If 'On' is selected a password must be entered using the left/right and