TIP: It is more effi cient to burn medium-sized wood briskly and to refuel frequently than to burn large logs and
refuel infrequently. Large logs create smoulding, ineffi cient fi res that dirty the glass.
As soon as the door is closed, a change will occur in the fl ame pattern. The fl ames will get smaller and lazier because
less oxygen is getting into the combustion chamber. The fl ames, however, are more effi cient. The fl ames will remain
lazy but become larger again as soon as the fi rebricks have been heated thoroughly, and the chimney becomes heated
and provides a good draft. At this point, the roaring fi re that is visible when the door is opened is wastefully drawing
heated room air up the chimney. Always operate with the door fully closed once the medium-sized logs have caught
fi re. Operating the appliance with the door open for extended periods of time may result in damages to the appliance.
Begin adding larger pieces of wood, as the appliance can operate normally at this point.
The fi rebox can be safely fi lled with wood to the top of the door opening if a 1/4" (6.4mm) space to
secondary air tubes is maintained.
Once the appliance is entirely hot, it will burn very effi ciently with little smoke from the chimney. There will be a
bed of orange coals in the fi rebox and secondary fl ames fl ickering just below the top baffl es.
Refer to "troubleshooting" section if encountering problems with operation.
optimum burn method
Maintain a hot, glowing, red coal bed that is 2" (50.8mm) deep.
Burn dry seasoned wood.
TIP: To ensure the glass door remains clean, wood should have less than 20% moisture
A minimal trace of smoke coming from the chimney is acceptable when the appliance is burning as
Inspect and replace all necessary components (i.e. gaskets, manifolds, glass, etc.) as they may affect the
appliance's overall performance.
Adjust the air control for adequate draft. This will control the burn rate and temperature of the appliance.
Refer to "operation" and "maintenance" sections for detailed information.
optional fan operation
The following operating procedure is recommended to achieve optimal performance:
When operating on high burn rate:
1. We recommend setting the fan to the "HIGH" setting and operating with a thermodisc (located at the back of
the appliance).
When operating on medium burn rate:
2. We do not recommend using the fan.
When operating on low burn rate:
3. We do not recommend using the fan.
W415-2007 / A / 10.21.19